Meet the Down to Ride Team — Jocelyn Camarra

Jocelyn Camarra
Down to Ride
Published in
3 min readJul 13, 2021

Hi, I’m Joce and I’m DTR with BMX.

I’ve been riding for 4 years now, limped away with a couple of injuries, met some really cool people, shredded up trails with my dogs Burrito and Sparky, and somehow gone viral on House of Highlights for being the first woman to do the open loop.

Photo: @jonnynemecek

Where is the coolest place or route you’ve ridden your bike?

As someone who hasn’t been involved in BMX for long, I’ve been incredibly lucky to have traveled to so many wild places because of my bike — from abandoned pools at country clubs, to world-famous trail spots and incredible (and sketchy) DIY spots in the most awesome cities. It’s been rad. But my absolute favorite event is called “Swampfest” … which is made of pallets… thrown together…next to gnarly dirt jumps… surrounded by scummy mud water moats. And everything (and I mean everything) gets set on fire at the end of the jam (this is what us BMX folks call our events). The energy and community are something out of this world at this event. I can’t get enough. You barely shower, typically leave with a thick dirt tan, and can never drink enough water (if you even remember to because the stoke is so high). This is BMX.

Photo: @jonnynemecek / @mikecarni

What is your favorite type of food? Have you tried to eat it on a bike?

Burritos, all-day pizza a low-key second. When you’re a professional burrito eater like me, you make it work. It’s not easy, but if you try hard enough you can one-handed cruise and chomp at the same time.
Ignore the guac stain on the shirt though.

Photo: @tjl_photo

What is your favorite type of riding?

I can honestly say I love all riding. Anything BMX is a good time. Although some of it is more challenging than I’d like it to be, it’s always a good challenge. Really tests your patience and how much you want something. My favorite side of BMX is still and will probably always be dirt jumps. It can be scary and high speed or mellow and flowy. The feeling when you catch the lip to landing just right is epic.

Photo: @tjl_photo

What is your favorite part about riding bikes?

My favorite part of bikes is the energy and love within the community. Everyone understands the vibes regardless of what kind of bike you ride. Bikes can bring us together, help us be strong alone, give us something to work for, and at the same time give us something to relax our brains. The endorphins connected with riding bring some of the best feelings and come with major bonus points when you accomplish something you never thought you were capable of.

Ride with me on DTR

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