Meet the Down to Ride Team — Madisyn Wynn

Madisyn Wynn
Down to Ride
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2021

Hi, my name is Madisyn (sometimes Mads for short) and I am DTR!

My first bike was a Haro with pegs added for maximum friend capacity. In those days, I was the queen of riding with no hands. I haven’t quite mastered that skill as an adult…but hey maybe I’ll throw up some progress reports on the DTR insta (and force my coworkers to do this with me)!

What or Who brought you into bikes?

I grew up around bikes, my mom took me riding as a kid and she worked for a summer camp mountain bike program that I occasionally participated in. I didn’t make my entry back into the cycling world until I met my husband, Jake. He was pretty into road cycling at the time, so I started to join him, learned all about “clipping in” and the terror of riding with cars. Eventually, we made our way back to my first love, mountain biking!

Where is the coolest place or route you’ve ridden your bike?

Easy, the Wasatch Crest Trail in Park City, Utah which was a pivotal adventure for me. I rode a sick demo bike, saw incredible views, and sped down the mountain faster than I thought I could despite taking a couple of falls. After the exhilaration and adventure of that day, I became obsessed with getting on my bike and getting outside. Jake felt the same way and was just glad to have me on board for all his wild ideas! Fast forward to the present day, we are living in Bentonville, Arkansas ( unofficially the Disneyland for mountain bikers), and I am living my dream working with some awesome people getting more butts on saddles!

What is your favorite hobby and why is it bikes?

I love riding bikes because it combines some of my favorite things; being outside, exploring all types of terrain, spending time with people I love, enjoying exercise, and experiencing the thrill of new places. Basically, the adult version of “playing outside” in my mind is riding bikes. I can do it pretty much anywhere or any time and it brings me so much joy!

ALSO, I get to bring my other bestie, Fraser. He is a German Shorthaired Pointer Jake and I brought home a couple of months after we got married. He’s the athlete of the family as he routinely runs farther than either of us ride most days!

Post-ride coffee or beer?

Honestly, a cold Miller Lite and an Uncrustable are my guilty pleasures after a ride! We keep a cooler in the car stocked and ready. The other incentive for post-ride beer is you can find a good cold one almost anywhere. Coffee is a different story. Makes me wish gas stations had pour-over stations…

Ride with me on DTR

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See all the miles I don’t log on Strava

