Our Parks

City Offers Bayfront Park to Ultra

Here we go again…

Downtown NEWS
Downtown NEWS


City administrators led by District 5 Commissioner Keon Hardemon, unveiled, literally, in the dead of night, a resolution to offer downtown’s Bayfront Park to Ultra. Downtown Neighbors Alliance President said: “It is a slap in the face! Not only is the City DISMISSING the health risks to residents caused by the Noise from Ultra, but it is now also asking every single taxpayer in the City of Miami to pay for the Security of this event. This deal is even worse than the one the City Commission unanimously rejected last September.”

Real health implications. Image courtesy of Safe Bayfront Park.

A Legal Perspective

Observes attorney Sam Dubbin, “It is remarkable that the City Commission would consider a resolution to allow Ultra back into Bayfront Park when the Commissioners and other City officials are fully on notice that Ultra’s noise level has been shown to cause health damage and loss of property use to the residents. They are also on notice that the transaction violates the City Charter because there has been no competitive bidding, no appraisals, and Ultra would pay a fraction of fair market value for its months-long usurpation of Bayfront Park. That the agreement is titled “revocable license” does not make it so, and courts have previously rejected such a cynical violation of the City Charter. Less than a year ago, the Commission properly, and unanimously, rejected a proposal that would have generated twice as much money. It is difficult to understand how any Commissioner would now run the risk of personally violating the Charter to bring Ultra back into the City.”

If Ultra does come for 2020, Bayfront Park will be closed for residents the best five months of the year. Ilustration courtesy of Save Bayfront Park.

“Regardless of our opinion towards UMF, its the City’s approach that I find to be extremely offensive, dismissive and illegal and that needs to Stop!” DNA President.

What Can Residents do?

Ordinance is scheduled to be heard at city commission meeting this coming Thursday 6/27 at City Hall. Click here to read ordinance.

Please email all of our City officials with your sentiment (whatever your sentiment is!) and please plan on attending and speaking on 6/27.

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Downtown NEWS

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