
Downtown Has No Schools

The Miami Herald Published this morning, May 16, 2021, a commentary on the issue of schools Downtown Miami faces by Joy Prevor, Chair of the DNA Education Committee: ‘Needed: New School.’

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Letters to the Editor, Miami Herald, May 16, 2021.

Brief Follow-up conversation with Joy Prevor

Downtown News: It seems Downtown Miami is booming, with new fintech companies flocking to our shores, and incessant construction…

Joy Prevor: New condos, the Flagler Street beautification project and incentives for businesses are important for strengthening our area. However, a neighborhood public school is a critical linchpin component to ensuring the viability of the area as a residential community. Without appropriate schools, veteran residents and newcomers alike will be unable to stay here and raise families.

More and more children are seen in Downtown Miami. Photo by Downtown News, May 15.

DN: You’ve spoken before about property taxes and impact fees, can you elaborate?

JP: In addition to millions collected in impact fees from new residential units, Downtown Miami’s taxable property value and, as a result, the school district’s tax revenue, has nearly doubled in the last 10 years. However, new student stations were not created to rectify the “impact” of that development and serve these Downtown residents.

The most recent concurrency data demonstrates that there are no available student stations to accommodate new development and school infrastructure to support the area’s population growth has not kept pace. Meanwhile, in apparent violation of state law, the School Board is monetizing its real estate assets in the area, many of which would make ideal locations for a desperately needed neighborhood school.

Joy Prevor concludes: “Now is the time to finally address this need. Miami-Dade County Public Schools, in partnership with the City of Miami and Miami-Dade County, must commit to, and Mayor Suarez, THIS IS HOW YOU CAN HELP! Your leadership on this issue will improve the future viability of our City for both current and aspiring residents. Please make a difference.”

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