
Celebrating Local Journalism

Tuesday, April 21. 7:00–8:00 PM. A Virtual Salon.

Raul Guerrero
Downtown NEWS


As we know, journalism plays a vital role in keeping us informed, more so in times of crisis. Local media is doubly important. Unfortunately, journalism has been hard hit financially, and local coverage has suffered the most. Yet, our local newspaper, the Downtown News has kept pushing forward, and has reached its second birthday.

DASS (Downtown Arts +Science Salon) is delighted to host the celebration, a virtual salon featuring two of the most relevant political leaders for downtown and Miami, Mayor Francis Suarez and Miami-Dade Commissioner for District 5, Eileen Higgins. The idea is to have a real conversation, beyond the day-to-day politics of the office. To reflect on what we are going through from different perspectives, health, economics, how to move on. Tuesday, April 21. 7:00–8:15 PM.

And you will have a chance to engage Downtown News columnists, our citizen-journalist, leaders in their respective fields, about education, climate change, urban development, the business of retail… An interactive virtual forum, after all, the mission of DASS is to foster a sense of community through intelligent conversation, to rediscover the art of conversation.

Moderated by Amal Solh Kabbani, President of the DNA, and Raul Guerrero, Downtown News Editor.


Marc Schmidt Photography. From Miami Geometrics.

But what is a celebration without music, without the arts? Interweaved, you will enjoy a symphony performed by the Miami Symphony Orchestra at the Arsht Center, and salsa-funk by the great Miami band Palo, and a heartfelt aria by an opera student performed live, a tribute to our first responders and healthcare workers. Also, you will attend a photography showing by Marc Schmidt, Miami Geometrics. Marc was the official photographer for the Oscar-nominated movie The Florida Project featuring Willem Dafoe. And the viewing of a mini documentary by a local filmmaker, Six Degrees of Immigration.

Join us in celebrating local journalism, in celebrating Downtown News, and together let’s strengthen our sense of community in these difficult times.

The Downtown News celebration is via ZOOM and will be streamed live through Facebook and other social media. It’s free, but to join the ZOOM audience, registration is required. Register to get invitation and code at DASSMIAMI.COM

Tuesday, April 21, 7:00–8:150 PM.



Raul Guerrero
Downtown NEWS

I write about cities, culture, and history. Readers and critics characterize my books as informed, eccentric, and crazy-funny.