Cultural Compass


A Downtown Arts + Science Salon. April 4, 2023. RSVP. Mark your calendars.

Raul Guerrero
Downtown NEWS


A conversation on how Artificial Intelligence and other tech tools like blockchain are changing journalism, featuring experts, journalists, and those at the intersection of tech and journalism. A reception to follow with live jazz. April 4, 2023. 6:30–9 pm.

AI Generated Content about the Salon

[The system asked me for the main points I wanted cover. I wrote: How AI and other tech tools like blockchain are transforming journalism? Use this as an example of AI content creation.]

Artificial intelligence is changing journalism in a huge way.

Journalists are using AI to do everything from auto-citation to create their stories, to help them find sources. They’re using it to write headlines and tag their content.

AI has also changed how journalists research and gather information, as well as how they report on events. For example, when a storm hits Hong Kong, journalists can use AI tools like the Weather Channel’s Storm Shield app or meteorologists’ forecasts on Twitter to report on the storm.

Blockchain is another technology that’s transforming journalism. Blockchain makes it possible for journalists to create an immutable record of their reporting history and provide transparency about their sources and methods for fact checking — which is important for maintaining credibility with readers.

AI Summarizing the Salon

Have you been hearing about artificial intelligence, blockchain and other technologies that are changing the way journalism is done? Want to know more? Join us to discuss how these tools are shaping the industry and its future at “How AI is Changing Journalism,” a Salon on April 4.

We’re excited to have experts and journalists join us for this conversation as we explore how these changes are affecting every aspect of journalism, from fact-checking to reporting.

The Salon will be followed by a reception with live jazz music.


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Raul Guerrero
Downtown NEWS

I write about cities, culture, and history. Readers and critics characterize my books as informed, eccentric, and crazy-funny.