The Neighborhood

In Brief

Scary News, School Commentary, Our Streets, Legal Curiosities... Stories in one paragraph or two. By Downtown News Staff.

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Downtown NEWS



Dangerous Metromover

Within weeks, four violent attacks have taken place in the Metromover. On September 4, Andrea Puente was attacked so viciously it is hard to watch the video. Local News 10 reported: “Weeks after the attack, Ms. Puerta still has a broken rib, a swollen jaw, a black eye and a bruised arm.” Ms. Puente doesn’t know how he didn’t kill her. At one point the perpetrator, Joshua King, punched her so hard she blocked out. King was arrested and released on bail. He attacked tree people that same night, and he is free roaming the streets again, released on a $1500 bond ($1500 bond!). Two words summarize how downtown residents feel after reading about the attacks: Scary and terrifying. One resident elaborated: “How is this possible or legal? Haven’t we already learned the lesson with the guy who stabbed a few people on the metro mover platform or the guy who killed a man by Walgreens downtown? crazy!”

Video courtesy of You Tube, and photos by Local News 10.

And that’s not all

Another attack took place Sunday morning. A 74-year-old gentleman, Eduardo Fernandez, was attacked while heading to work as a parking valet — going from Government Center to the Omni Station. The attacker broke his skull and caused several other injuries. Still, he managed to escape and walked a couple blocks before he collapsed. Fire rescue took him to Ryder Trauma Center.

Scary, indeed!


Schools Open

Downtown News asked Joy Prevor, a parent and DNA’s Education Chair to comment on a messy opening. Ms. Prevor replied: “It has been a disaster! They had all summer to prepare, test the technology and train the teachers. Instead, Carvalho was out promoting and self-congratulating himself… It’s shameful! Not only are the students (and their parents!) suffering, but these poor teachers are scrambling to do the best they can.”

Our Streets

Downtown Mobility Network

There are 2.51 miles of protected bike lanes, called the “Downtown Mobility Network” designed and ready to be built in the heavily populated Downtown Core, connecting Government Center, Brightline Station, Miami-Dade College, and several Metromover Stations, among other destinations.

This project includes N/S Lanes on S Miami Ave (County), NE/SE 1st Ave (County), NW/NE 6th Street (City Road), and NW/NE 5th Street (City).

Gary Ressler, the TILIA Family of companies, headquartered in the downtown DuPont Building, observed: Cars are designed to drive through cities at the highest rate of speed possible. They provide no economic benefit to the space — or community — they inhabit. A protected bicycle network is the single greatest opportunity for strengthening and growing a shrinking retail market in the urban core. Study after study has shown that increased access to safe alternatives to automobile travel — be they safe sidewalks, bike lanes, or scooter access — lead to greater utilization of those safe alternatives which slows traffic, and engages the passing commuter with the retail environment.”

Mobility Lanes support a more resilient and equitable community, with fewer emissions, less noise, less traffic, more density, more development, more access to jobs, reduced housing costs, reduced business costs, and a healthier lifestyle. Our community needs the City of Miami Commission to approve the Downtown Mobility Network. If you agree, let our Commissioners know you want to see a safe Micro-Mobility network throughout our city.

Legal Curiosities

No Masks & Eviction

The Real Deal reported that the Downtown Marquis Miami Condominium Association filed a lawsuit in Miami-Dade Circuit Court last month against unit owner Optibase Real Estate Miami and its tenant, Jalal Abuimweis. He was not wearing a mask in common areas, and his behavior endangered other residents, including those immunocompromised. And, of course, the tenant violated a local health ordinance. According to The Real Deal story, this is not the first tenant of Optibase Real Estate Miami to face eviction. A previous tenant was accused of bringing a naked woman through the common areas, and allegedly harassing the property manager. The Real Deal: “That tenant voluntarily moved out last year, according to court filings. That tenant paid $3,750 a month for his unit.”

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