Cultural Compass

International Hispanic Theatre

The International Hispanic Theatre Festival of Miami returns to the Arsht Center with three riveting plays representing Chile, Argentina and the United States. July 15–31. This article is bilingual English/Spanish.

Raul Guerrero
Downtown NEWS


The Arsht Center co-presents with Teatro Avante:

  1. Encuentros breves con hombres repulsivos (Brief Encounters with Repulsive Men.) July 15–17, 2022.
  2. Rota (Broken.) July 22–24, 2022.
  3. Mejor me callo (Better shut up.) Performances will be in Spanish, and

Encuentros and Mejor me callo will have English supertitles presented as in the opera. July 28–31, 2022.

Encuentros breves con hombres repulsivos

Featuring Fundación Festival Internacional Teatro a Mil. Chile. Adapted and directed by Daniel Veronese. This play is based on Brief Interviews with Hideous Men by David Foster Wallace.

Dos actores que durante ocho encuentros breves van alternando en uno y otro rol. Todos los temas apuntan a la condición masculina contemporánea que aparece ante el encuentro con una mujer –en el amor, el sexo e incluso la pérdida– y una mirada con lupa a la falta de comunicación entre los géneros.

Renowned Argentine director Daniel Veronese adapts David Foster Wallace’s story collection Brief Interviews with Hideous Men. During eight brief encounters, two actors alternate roles that explore the contemporary masculine condition and the lack of communication between genders.

2. Rota (Broken)

Featuring El Balcón de Meursault. Argentina. By Natalia Villamil. Directed by Mariano Stolkiner. Starting Raquel Ameri.

Una mujer pugna por reconstruir su existencia tras la muerte de su hijo, quien se suicidó luego de matar a su novia. En su soledad, intentará rearmar el rompecabezas de su cuerpo. Al detenerse, en ese instante, vislumbra su rotura. Esta madre intentará encontrar algo de amor, de comprension, como cualquier otra mujer. Sólo el empoderamiento de su búsqueda podrá enfrentarla con quienes la juzgan.

A woman struggles to reconstruct her life when her son commits suicide after killing his girlfriend. It has profound and timely resonance.

Mejor me callo

Photo courtesy of Teatro Avante, co-presenter of the 35th International Hispanic Theater Festival at the Arsht Center

Featuring Teatro Avante. USA. This world premier by Abel Gonzalez Melo is directed by Mario Ernesto Sanchez.

La prestigiosa empresa familiar Cosméticos París lleva años siendo líder en la producción y la venta de artículos de belleza. El negocio parece próspero, pero la repentina irrupción de un astuto informático, a quien el dueño ha otorgado permisos excepcionales, amenaza con resquebrajar la armonía reinante. Los comportamientos del intruso desatan inesperados conflictos y los miembros de la familia deberán aliarse para evitar la debacle.

Paris Cosmetics, a prestigious family business, has been the leader in the production and sale of beauty products for years. The business appears to be prosperous, but the sudden arrival of a clever computer whiz to whom the business owner has granted exceptional authority threatens to alter the existing harmony. The intruder’s behavior causes unexpected conflicts, and the members of the family must form an alliance in order to avert a disaster.


Performances at the Adrienne Arsht Center’s Carnival Studio Theater. (The presentations at Downtown’s Arsht Center are part of the 36th International Hispanic Theater Festival of Miami, which takes place in different locations.)

The Festival’s Educational Component, directed by Beatriz J. Rizk, Ph.D., includes forums immediately after each opening and theatre workshops.

Carnival Studio Theater, Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami.


$25 — $35. Available at: 305.949–6722 / 1. 866.949–6722 (toll-free) /

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Raul Guerrero
Downtown NEWS

I write about cities, culture, and history. Readers and critics characterize my books as informed, eccentric, and crazy-funny.