
Light Pollution on the Neighborhood

The proposal to install Digital billboards of significant size in Bayfront Park, Maurice Ferré Park, and now Virginia Key, is problematic in several ways. Cristina Palomo.

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First of all, this is yet another unwanted addition that creates little to no value to the visitor experience of residents while enjoying our waterfront parks. In our urban environment, green open spaces are extremely limited and precious. Yet instead of preserving them to maximize public enjoyment, the emphasis is always on the next big event, installation, or revenue creating stream with little to no thought given to the experience of park users.

Nobody wants to take a stroll through the park just after a beautiful sunset to be blasted by advertisements in bright lights. Why cheapen our natural landscape in this way? How is this even up for consideration by our local leaders?

The impact of light pollution on the neighborhood from a project like this, particularly being in such close proximity to the FTX arena roof display, is a real concern. If these billboards are allowed to go forward under such a vague ordinance allowing installation every thousand feet, there is no telling where the eyesores will end. I urge city officials to reconsider this gaudy and unwanted artificial addition, in essence an insult, to the natural beauty of our premiere parks. This does not exist in ANY “world class” city, and for good reason.

Cristina Palomo is a Downtown resident, and former President of the DNA.

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