Letters to the Editor

Practical Suggestions for Our Mayor

On more than one occasion I have stood outside waiting my turn to enter the chamber... Revered Pedro Martinez.

Downtown NEWS
Downtown NEWS


February 28, 2019. 2:30 pm. Photo courtesy of Reverend Pedro Martinez.

Dear Mayor Francis X. Suárez:

I pray you are well. I have been to Miami City Hall on numerous occasions, as a downtown Miami resident who takes his civic duties seriously. On more than one occasion I have stood outside waiting my turn to enter the chamber. My experiences have moved me to suggest a few changes that will benefit citizens that are standing outside, sometimes for hours.

· Outside seating for those waiting.

· An indoor waiting room until space is available in the chamber.

· Outside bathrooms.

· An outdoor water fountain and vending machines.

· A canopy to protect from the elements: rain and sun.

· Outdoor fans to help with the heat.

· Retractable belts/ropes that facilitate order in the line.

· A guard or police officer that will keep the peace and guide citizens to stay in line preventing those seeking to sneak in front of the line.

Other cities in our County have similar accommodations for their residents, for example, the City of Miami Beach, which I also frequent.

I urge you to, please, consider these suggestions that will help your constituents best exercise their democratic privileges and duties.

Mayor Suárez, may the Lord guide you as the leader of the City of Miami.


Photo courtesy of Reverend Pedro Martinez.

Reverend Pedro Martínez
Iglesia Católica Cristiana Amor. H.O.P.E. in Miami Dade.

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