
Stand Up and Be Counted

By Amal Solh Kabbani

Downtown NEWS
Downtown NEWS


The U.S. Constitution mandates that the population be counted every ten years. The 2020 Census begins on April 1. (Starting March 12, notices are sent out.)

The importance of being counted can’t be overstated: Census data are used to determine the allocation of $1.5 trillion in federal funds to states, cities and communities, including Downtown Miami. Census data also determines the number of seats each state has in the House of Representatives and votes in electoral colleges.

Commissioner Ken Russell appointed me to the City of Miami Complete Count Committee, a team of local representatives dedicated to developing and implementing a locally based outreach and awareness campaign for the 2020 Census. In that capacity, and as your downtown neighbor, I kindly urge you to respond to the Census when you receive the materials by snail mail or email. Or go online, look for the Census form, fill it out, and submit it. You can do it from your phone, tablet or laptop.

If you don’t receive the materials or should you have any questions, do contact me at AmalKabbani@gmail.com.

Again, It’s Crucial.

Let me just reiterate what’s at play, from firefighters and police officers to hospitals and road maintenance. From wildlife preservation and funding for natural disasters like hurricanes and flooding to housing assistance for the elderly and programs for the homeless. Of course, schools are greatly impacted. You might think, but local schools are a matter for the County School Board… Well, let me point out just two examples. Funds for the Head Start program depend on Census data, as do grants to support special education.


Many people have concerns about the confidentiality of their answers. No need to worry. The U.S. Census Bureau is bound by law to protect your information and keep it confidential. Every employee takes an oath to protect your personal information for life.

The official word: “Under Title 13, the Census Bureau cannot release any identifiable information about you, your home, or your business, even to law enforcement agencies. The law ensures that your private data is protected and that your answers cannot be used against you by any government agency or court. The answers you provide are used only to produce statistics. You are kept anonymous.”

Please Do Your Part

And don’t be surprised to hear me knocking on your door to make sure that you did. Let’s make sure we stand up and get counted. Let’s make sure Downtown Miami gets it right!

Amal Solh Kabbani is President of the Downtown Neighbors Alliance (DNA)

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