The Inherent Simplicity

3 min readFeb 1, 2017


That’s the title of the book I want to write. Well.. re-write. It’s a work in progress.

Hi, I’m someone who you’ve probably never met but know very well. In the sense that I’m no different from anyone else you know.

From my perspective, everyone is the same really. We may have different physical features and live under different formalities but as a species we are identical.

This is partially explained in the book. Though, the overall theme is directed towards how awareness, through a multi-dimensional standpoint, dictates how we behave on a micro-level, and how that influences humanity on a macro-level.

I’ve always had an interest in psychology, social dynamics and human innovation. Recently, my drive to help influence the world to move in a more positive direction has lead me to really consider the decisions I make in life.

Like, what are my career goals? Where do I see myself in ten years? What is something that I can do that no one else can or has done before?

I’ve been left with this lingering feeling of “How can I help?” especially when I see how the world is changing (seemingly for the worse) and that I’m getting older, wiser, and more free to make decisions at my own accord.

I want to be the catalyst to drastic change. I want to be able to wake up in the morning knowing that what I’m doing is for the betterment of humanity and go to sleep knowing I did exactly that.

A big thing I’ve noticed once I started embarking on this journey, was the fact that a lot of things I use to invest my time and energy into no longer interest me. My mind has shifted it’s focus into “productivity mode” where pretty much anything that isn’t aligned with my goal is no longer interesting or can hold my attention.

I actually mention this phenomenon in the book as well. It has to do with how someone can instantly break out of habits because they no longer feel “rewarded” by them anymore.

My goal for the book, and what I hope to achieve within my life-time is world peace. I want to be able to create a world without mental illness and discrimination. The notion of world peace and “heaven on earth” are actually very real to me, and is something can be achieved in a relatively short period of time. What is stopping this isn’t the lack of resources but human behavior. The belief that it isn’t possible coupled with the lack of motivation from billions of people to take action.

As I said in the beginning, I truly believe we all are the same. Every action we take is because we feel as if that is the best option we have in order to maintain or create some form of fulfillment within our lives. All that simply has to be done is to create a shift in what motivates our sense of “reward”. Getting people to gain fulfillment from things that would be productive to humanity rather than counter productive.

The world has the resources, we just need enough people to lead by example.

