Want to lose weight? Get a night of restful sleep.

Ashwin Mazumdar
Published in
3 min readApr 30, 2019

The obvious advice that we get to lose weight is to follow a healthy diet and an
exercise regime. However, did you know getting sufficient amount of sleep is
equally important in any weight loss regime?
Sleep deprivation and weight gain
As per a study by the American Journal of Epidemiology women who are sleep deprived are a third more likely to gain 33 pounds over the next 16 years than those who receive just seven hours of sleep per night. While there is no one number that applies to everyone who sleeps, but it is important that one poor night of sleep isn’t followed up with a few more.

Our body repairs itself during sleep by releasing growth hormones which
stimulate muscle and protein synthesis. It also assists in the fat breakdown
process known as lipolysis. Several studies testify that sleep deprivation can
increase our appetite and make us eat more food leading to an increase in

A 2012 study published in the ‘Annals of Internal Medicine’ revealed that
people who get only four hours of sleep at night are more insulin-resistant.
Insulin resistance may lead to weight gain due to the accumulation of fats.
Impact of inadequate sleep on the body
Inadequate sleep can interfere with the body’s metabolic rates and cause blood glucose levels to shoot up. This results in higher insulin levels in the body and greater body-fat storage.

•The paucity of sleep can cause the body to desire for more carbohydrate intake
and lead to weight gain.
•It can lead to insulin resistance and contribute to the risk of diabetes.
•It can increase the risk of heart disease and blood pressure

Sleep can help you feel fuller, longer. According to a study, people who didn’t get enough sleep experienced a drop in the levels of hormone Leptin, which makes one feel full. Alongside the levels of appetite-inducing hormone ghrelin went up. Restful sleep helps in keeping a balance in both these hormones so that we feel hungry only when we are actually hungry.

How much sleep do you need?

Our need for sleep changes with age. Also, we may think we may catch up on
missed sleep during the weekend but depending on how sleep-deprived we
are, sleeping longer on the weekends may not be adequate. As we age, the amount of time we spend each day sleeping, declines. Newborns spend from 16 to 20 hours sleeping each day. Between the ages of one and four, total daily sleep time decreases to about 11 or 12 hours. Adults need at least eight hours, and although the elderly may struggle to obtain those hours in one go.

Tips for getting a good night sleep

·Set a fixed schedule: Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day

·Exercise before hitting the bed: Exercise for 20 to 30 minutes a day before going to bed

·Follow a relaxation routine: Try a warm bath, read a book or light an aroma
candle to relax your senses.

·Avoid Alcohol: Avoid alcoholic drinks before bed

·Have a fixed room for sleep: Avoid bright lights and loud sounds, keep the room temperature normal and do not expose yourself to bright lights.

·Don’t stay in bed awake: If you are not getting enough sleep try reading or listening to music until you feel tired.

·Consult a doctor if you have a problem sleeping or if you feel unusually tired during the day even after a good night’s sleep.

While it is true that only having a good night’s sleep without other lifestyle
changes is not sufficient to lose weight, it is important to remember that a
good night of restful sleep or the lack of it has an impact on how our body
responds to various stimuli including food.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Dozee is not a medical device. It is not designed or intended for use in diagnosis, prevention or cure of any disorder or illness.


