Why we are so passionate about Dozee?

Mudit Dandwate
Published in
4 min readOct 8, 2018

A question that we’re always asked — Why did you choose sleep-tech over million other things?

1. Sleep is the most important daily activity.

Sleep is a third of our lives. We spend more time in our lifetime sleeping than any other activity. Over last 60 years, many experts have tried to demystify the purpose of sleep. In fact, the 2017 Nobel prize in medicine was awarded to 3 American scientists for their work on Circadian Rhythm that governs our wake-sleep cycles. It’s well established that sleep is our natural restorative process which takes care of tissue repair and growth, memory consolidation, restoration of hormonal balance, eradication of infections and detoxification of neural waste. You can learn more about it from Dr. Mathew Walker’s brilliant piece on sleep literature: Why Do We Sleep?

In short, good sleep is a MUST to ensure healthy happy being and bad sleep is a time bomb that will slowly, but surely, convert into a chronic lifestyle disorder.

Dozee is our endeavor to help people understand their sleep better and stay on top of their health.

Learn how Dozee helps you sleep better

2. We detect health deterioration early, which has already saved lives.

Almost all chronic disorders like cardio-vascular diseases, diabetes, tuberculosis, cancer develop slowly and are innocuous in early stages. Dozee tracks sleep, heart, respiration and stress levels with high accuracy (over 98% as compared to medical standards) every-night. Backed by advanced machine learning algorithms, Dozee creates healthy baselines and risk profiles for users’ age and gender. This enables Dozee to generate alerts if there are regular aberrations to user’s healthy state.

In one of the cases, Dozee found an abnormal drift in breathing patterns, where 95% of user’s data lied outside recommended range for 5 nights in a row. Dozee generated an alert and recommended the user to get medical advice. The user followed it up and after 20 different tests, was detected with early stage of Tuberculosis. The user had not developed symptoms of coughing, night fever, temperature etc till then. Timely intervention helped her recover soon, and resume her studies at IIT Bombay.

In another instance, our alerts flagged a case of Pulmonary Edema (a condition in which lungs fill with fluid). This timely intervention literally proved life-saving for him, as he had Cardiac arrest (heart attack) at the time of his check-up. He has now recovered and trusts Dozee to watch over his health, daily.

How Dozee data created a compelling case for deteriorated health condition

In couple of other cases, Dozee helped people detect early stages of Sleep Apnea (multiple cessations in breathing during sleep).

Dozee is now inducted in HCG Oncology, Bengaluru for monitoring health of cancer patients while they are under Chemotherapy, both in hospital and in home setting : a break-through step that can completely redefine the cancer-care! You can read about it in more details here. We’re in conversation with some of the best medical institutions and we are certain that in coming days, Dozee will touch thousands of lives fighting with chronic diseases.

The satisfaction of saving and improving human lives is one of the biggest motivation that keeps us going in toughest of times.

3. Current healthcare is too complex and our beds are too dumb for 21st century

We’re Sci-Fi movie fans and agree that to a large extent Sci-Fis drive imagination and innovations. Tony Stark’s and Dexter’s voice based assistants are now in all homes — Just say the magic words Alexa, Siri, Ok Google. But what about our furniture, we asked? Our furniture, where we spend a substantial amount of time needs to be smart enough to understand if we’re comfortable, healthy or we need attention. It’s the inevitable future and according to us long overdue. The latest innovation that the bedding industry has been able to achieve is putting it in a box and delivering over a bike. Attractive, but is it enough!

We’re spending 7-8 hours daily on beds, shouldn’t the bed be smart enough to keep us on top of our health? For us the answer is a clear YES!

To top it, we still rely on hundreds of wires attached to human body to detect what’s wrong. This is time-consuming, expensive and extremely uncomfortable, putting additional pressure on our fragile and inadequate healthcare system. We knew there had to be a simpler way! We created one — what better way to do it without the person even knowing about it’s existence (Dozee goes inside the bed, and gives health insights without touching the user or changing their habits).

The sense of creating next generation technology further inspires us to work in this space.

In all our poetic ways, we know we have chosen the road less taken and this is just the beginning of something beautiful. We are here for good, and we are certain we will make a difference!

“We have promises to keep, and miles to go before we sleep!”

