Pass Packs just got better!

Ryan "NDUS" Chown
PlayDapp Games
Published in
3 min readDec 17, 2019

We’ve given all the pass packs a “get out jail free” move…

Hi DozerFriends!

We’re in love with the candy-coated world of DozerFriends Games and we strapped on our thinking hats recently and looked for inspiration……

Hmm, candy…. cookie-coins… chocolate…. chocolate factory… Charlie… The Golden ticket….

That’s it!

’Cause I’ve got a golden ticket
I’ve got a golden twinkle in my eye

I never had a chance to shine
Never a happy song to sing
But suddenly half the world is mine
What an amazing thing

’Cause I’ve got a golden ticket

Introducing the Golden Pass- for all Pass Packs!

Ever missed a day on that Pass Pack? Sucks don’t it, that 21st-day reward is gone… What if I told you, you can have it back. For free. Just a touch of Gas and that 21st-day reward is back on the horizon!

The Golden Pass is so simple to explain that I cand do it in 10 words!

Missed a Pass day, use the Golden Pass to recover!

10 Words too few? Then let’s break it down with some images to help…

You missed that one day of Pass Pack. Maybe your internet was out, maybe the cat got sick, or had a monster day at work, the long and the short is you missed a day.

So the next time you log in your Pass days claimed and remaining just don’t add up. So that sucks, nothing left but to soldier on and claim what you can…

Hang on, why does the 21st day look like this? What’s that ticket!

That DozreFriends is your Golden Pass ticket! The best thing is you get one Free with every Pass Pack, meaning you’ll never miss that 21st-day special reward.

So with the help of a Golden Pass, your Pass packs’ ultimate reward will never be lost! It’s a real changer!

Check out the change below, from 21st-day hell to 21st-day heaven!

Now the more observant may have noticed that the Golden pass doesn’t go away after one use. That’s because you can buy more, in case things go really off the rails, you’ll be able to get extra Golden Passes for a small fee.

So just what are those fees? Depending on the pack then the cost of each pass differs and as more Golden Passes are used these costs increase.

However the First Golden Pass is always free, we want you to be able to recover from a missed Pass day easily.

To keep it all simple remember this:

Five Golden Passes can be used
First Golden Pass is Free
Next four costs and increase as you use more



Ryan "NDUS" Chown
PlayDapp Games

Global Community Manager for @xocietyofficial Making moves on blockchain, in a new unreal engine powered venture, developed by NDUS Interactive