What is Google’s Data-Driven Attribution?

DP6 Team
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2018

Google DDA (Data-Driven Attribution) is an algorithm that aims to attribute the importance, in terms of conversion, of each point of contact the user has with a site.

If your business still assigns the conversion to the channel or keyword of the last click, it’s likely that you’re making bad decisions about your media investment by failing to invest in points of contact that influence your customer’s purchasing decision. But if you already use rule-based attribution models, this is an alternative that promises to be more assertive and dynamic, and entirely data-driven.

Google DDA works by analyzing all of the paths that lead a user to the site, and then compares the conversion rates.

In the image above, the bottom path has fewer clicks between contact point and purchase than the path on top, but the conversion rate is the same. In this case, no conversion is attributed to the bottom point. On the other hand, if there is a large drop in the conversion rate of the bottom path, even if the point of contact is at the beginning of navigation, greater weight will be attributed to it in the digital journey of the consumer.

The advantage in relation to other models is that when adding or removing media channels, you don’t have to re-evaluate the rules because it is already considering all channels in Google Analytics 360, or keywords and ads in the case of Search, as the users are interacting.

On the other hand, you need a large volume of complete data, and the entire configuration of the tool must be prepared to feed the algorithm and return the response you expect. At the moment, DDA is available in DoubleClick Search, Adwords, and Google Analytics 360.

More information on how to enable Google DDA in Google tools is available here:

If you want to know more about data integrity and attribution, keep an eye on our blog or contact us for information about our services.

Profile of the author: Juliana Sorrentino | Digital data analyst with emphasis on consumer behavior, user experience and media optimization. She has studied Information Systems and today she is trying to enhance her knowledge of Marketing and Statistics.

