Digital Scribing for Skoll’s first-ever virtual World Forum

dpict learnings
Published in
4 min readApr 30, 2020

Each year, the world’s most influential social entrepreneurs, key thought leaders, and strategic partners gather at the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School to exchange ideas and activate solutions. This year, the global pandemic forced the Skoll team to pivot (in 3 short weeks) to a virtual event with 130+ sessions hosted by 100+ organizations around the globe, bringing critical conversations into people’s homes.

We had the exciting opportunity to partner with Skoll to digitally scribe 10 sessions over the course of the week. It was an incredible experience to be a part of, and we were amazed by the connection, provocation, and inspiration that was #skollgoesvirutal. What would have been an in- person gathering of 1,200 became a globally-distributed opportunity for thousands to connect, share, and learn. Take a look at the sessions visualized by the Dpict team (Sita Magnuson and Alicia Bramlett) which offer a window into this seismic wave of new ideas and collaborations that resulted.

Partnering through Political Transition

Historically, innovation in our society has been politicized. But what happens when the political leadership that championed these partnerships is no longer at the helm–or the system of government changes entirely? This session hosted by Elyssa Lewis surfaced challenges and strategies for navigating political transition.

Session host: Skoll Foundation

Live recording: here

Catalyst 2030:Collaborating to accelerate the SDG’s

Catalyst 2030 is a consortium of NGOs, social enterprises, intermediaries, funders, and other social change innovators, collaborating in this urgent moment to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Session host: Catalyst 2030

Coronavirus and the climate crisis

We are living in a moment where two major global threats, a worldwide pandemic and the climate crisis, have suddenly converged. Both are health emergencies. While these two crises are not necessarily related to one another, there are a series of coronavirus/climate crisis connections that are worth exploring, as they reveal several common causes, synergistic impacts, and shared solutions.

Session host: Health Care Without Harm

Live recording: here

What can donors and doers learn from each other?

Many social entrepreneurs (SEs) use a systems mindset to address social problems. Most face challenges in attracting the type of funding needed for a systems change approach. What can donors learn from SEs and each other, and what can SEs learn from donors about funding systems change impact? With the power of peer-based learning and partnerships with coalition builders, systems can be redesigned for change and scale.

Session host: Chandler Foundation.

Live recording: here.

Social Sector Leaders Respond

The coronavirus pandemic has swept the globe, leading not only to illness and death, but a myriad of other challenges associated with measures to contain its spread: closed schools, worker layoffs, and widespread economic uncertainty top the list. In times of crisis, vulnerable populations are often hit hardest. How is the social sector rising to meet this unprecedented challenge? This moment brings with it an opportunity to reimagine and reengage with our communities in wholly new, impactful, and creative ways.

Session host: Skoll Foundation

Live recording: here

Allies for Systems Change

In the context and aftermath of COVID-19, economic system change is more important than ever. Every social and environmental problem the Skoll community is trying to solve around the world requires not only breakthrough direct actions, but also changes in the incentives and cultures that drive economic behavior.

Session host: Imperative 21

Live recording: here

Bringing it all together in a knowledge wall

In addition to scribing specific sessions, we also worked with Skoll to harvest the notes coming out of a number of sessions in order to help surface patterns and visualize interconnections. The result was our first attempt at an online Knowledge Wall. We’re continuing to experiment with spaces that support synchronous and asynchronous collaboration, and that weave together communities and ideas in a visually engaging way. Be in touch if you’re interested in experimenting with us!

Let’s Collaborate!

We support people and organizations who are creating the world anew and can help

  • Design processes that harness collective intelligence, facilitate learning, and enable collaborative decision-making
  • Create visuals to center conversations, engage complexity, and create alignment
  • Design space (including digital spaces) in order to inspire and accelerate creativity, innovation, and relationship-building.

Reach out for more info!

