[DPRating] Github Audit for 200 Blockchain projects — June 2018 | Who is still coding in the Bear Market?

Published in
2 min readJul 23, 2018

By DPRating Team

Alert: In this month’s audit, we have found that BYTECOIN, ICON, WAX haven’t had any code uploaded in nearly a month. Investors should be aware of the risk.

WE will keep updating other popular projects, including new ICO projects in our future lists, please stay tuned.

How do we rate?

Popularity of the Library

Popularity of the Library is defined as the mean number of Watch, Star and fork. Very High: > 500, High: between 100 and 500, MediumL between 20 and 100, Low: Below 20.

Number of Contributors

Number of Contributors: The number of contributors that have committed code in the last month. High: More than 12, Medium: between 6 and 12, Low: Below 6.

Release Frequency

Release Frequency: We took the version release frequency of Bitcoin and Ethereum, 14.31 days for a new release, as a reference value. We then divide the number of average days spent for a new release by 14.31 to get a release frequency score. High: below 2, Medium: between 2 and 4, Low: above 4.

e.g. A projrct has been released 35 times from 6/1/2017 to 7/2/2018, for an average of 9.13 days between new releases. This divided by 14.31 is 0.71, so the release frequency would be considered high.

Type of commit

A1: Continuously, steadily developing new features

A2: Fixing Bugs and testing after new feature developments

A3: Releasing few new features based on initial commitment and changing configurations.

B: Fixing bugs and testing for Devops

C: Changing configuration for Devops

D; Cannot be defined in any above category

The overall rating ranges from 1 to 5

Popularity of the library: 1 point for Very High, 0.5 points for High, no point for Middle or Low;

Number of Contributors: 1 point for High, 0.5 point for Medium, no point for Low

Release frequency: 1 point for High, 0.5 point for Medium, no point for Low

Number of Commits: 1 point for over 200 commits, 0.5 point for between 100 and 200 commits, no point for between 30 and 100 or below 30

Commit type: 1 point for A1 or A2, 0.5 point for A3, no point for B, C and D

Notice that We only audit core libraries. The definition of core library varies for each project.

Here is the list:

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