Building terrain for your rhino modeling

Li Yi
Published in
4 min readOct 16, 2017

The exercise helps you to build terrain for your rhino modeling. The terrain can help you to make your modeling rendering be closer to real environment.The process of this exercise is going to create terrain contour lines by using a plug-in of Sketch-up.

  1. Using Sketch-up program to find location of your modeling site. The plug-in of sketch-up can help you to find real locations to make the terrain more real.

1.1 Opening the Sketch-up and Finding “File — Geo-location — Add location”

  1. 2 Typing the address of your site to find the real site. Then you can select region to choose the site you need. It helps you to get the real terrain you want.

1.3 Selecting the terrain after you get, you should go back to “ File — geo location — show terrain” to get the real terrain. Otherwise, the terrain will be flat.

  1. 4 After you get the site, you need to save file, but you should be careful that the file has to be saved lower than Sketch-up Version 7.0

2. Opening the Rhino and Starting make the terrain you want. By using contour command, you can create the satisfying terrain in rhino. It helps you to get the better quality environment for you model rendering.

2.1. Opening the rhino and find the “File — import” to import the file you saved before. Be careful, it will be 12 times larger than the real size after testing we can know. Therefore, you will use command “Scale” to re-scale in order to make the terrain to be closer than the real size.

2.2 Using command “Boundingbox” to create the construction box to help you to build the contour lines. After you have the construction box, it can make the terrain more accurate, and also it becomes easier to capture the points. Moreover, changing the view to “Ghost view” will help you to find the terrain in the solid construction box.

2.3 Selecting the terrain inside of the box and Using command command “Contour” can help you to create new contour lines. Be careful, you should follow the command to using contour, and that helps you create the contour.

2.4 If you want the better quality contour lines, selecting contour lines and using command “ Patch” to create new surface and repeat the last step to get the satisfying contour lines.

3 Grouping the terrain and putting your modeling on the site, you can start rendering on the real site now.




Published in DPro

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