Generate Contours from 3D Terrain in Rhino

Published in
2 min readOct 23, 2017

This tutorial demonstrate the method of generate contours from an imported 3D terrain. It’s helpful in the condition of building a topography base for our model.

  1. Select the 3D terrain and type in the “BoundingBox” command (in order to generate contours, we need the bounding box to know the vertical distance from the bottom to the top of the 3D terrain).

2. Follow the command and hit Enter to finish.

3. Then select the terrain then type in “Contour” command.

4. Follow the command to select the bottom and top corner of the bounding box, then type in the parameter of the contours. In the example, the parameter of the contour is 10 feet.

5. After the contours are generated, select and delete the bounding box to finish.

