How to export CAD drawings from Rhino to AI to PDF?

Yi-hsien Wang
Published in
3 min readFeb 19, 2018

This tutorial teaches architectural students to use Adobe Illustrator to edit line weights and fill area for a CAD drawing. The scale settings for the drawing while exporting from different software will also include in the article.

Part I: How to export with scale to AI?

1.“Hide” the parts that you do not need, and select the drawing you want to export. Click File>ExportSelected.

2. Save the drawing to an illustrator (ai) file with 1/8”=1’ scale.

Part II: How to set up a page in AI?

1.Open the ai file you just saved. Move the drawing to the center of the sheet.

2.Go to “Properties”, set units to inches. Click “Edit Artboards”, and change the artboard size to 11”x 17”


Part III: How to set line weights and types in AI?

1.Click Window>stroke, and drag the stroke bar to the right side.

2.Say you want to edit red lines at first. Select a red line, and then click Select>same>stroke color.

3.Click the “show options” buttom, and change the weight to 0.5pt.

4.Select everything and click the stroke frame icon, and change color to black.

5.If you want to change line types, just select lines and turn on the “dashed line” option, then change to 2pt.

6.By selecting the “corner” options, you can change the end of lines.

Part IV: How to fill areas in AI?

1.Select all, and edit>copy>edit>paste in place

2.Add a new layer call “hatch”. Click the “live paint bucket” on the left bar.

3.Select areas that you want to fill in. Change the “fill” color to black.

Part V: How to export to PDF in AI?

1.Click File>safe a copy, and safe to a pdf file.

