Rendering section drawing by Rhino to represent your idea

Li Yi
Published in
4 min readOct 30, 2017

The exercise here is trying to teach you how to use Photoshop to combine three different types rendering drawing finalizing your section drawing. The method is good for you to finalize your section quicker, and it makes your idea clearer.

1.Getting the section model

1.1 Drawing a line where you want to cut your modelling and using command “ExtrudeCrv” and “Trim” to get the section modelling

1.2 Making the surface to cover the section of the site

2 Giving the different surfaces different materials. The different color materials are good for separating from rendering.

2.1 Creating the different materials (colors) to separate different materials (out surfaces, interiors and the ground)by using Octane materials

3. Start Rendering from the Right view and getting all three different types of drawings. These drawings help you to finalize your drawing to represent your idea of design, and it is faster than spending time on rendering sometimes.

3.1 Going to the right view and start rendering. Don’t forget to save the views!

3.2 Getting the first rendering drawing under the Beauty Model, and waiting for the rendering. When the pixels are higher 1000 (the higher pexels you get, the higher quality you get), you can save the image.

3.3 Changing the mode of rendering from “Beauty” into “Material ID” to get your second drawing

3.4 Selecting the building modelling and using command “Make2D” to get the third drawing — the line drawing. When you get the section line drawing, you should go to “File” to export the section drawing into Illustrator.

3.5 Now, you have all three drawings.

4.Opening Illustrator to fix your line weights to finalize your line drawing

4.1 Using Illustrator to finalize your line drawing makes your drawing be read easier.

5. Opening Photoshop to combine all drawings you have to represent your idea of design. In order to make your idea stronger, these three different drawings help you to finalize your drawing to represent. It will be faster than spending more time on rendering.

5.1 Opending Photoshop program to combine all drawings into the same file to finalize the drawing which makes your idea be read easily.

5.2 On the Material ID drawing, you should use Magic Wand Tool to replace the color into real material or the material which can represent your idea.

5.3 Finally, you get the final drawing to represent your idea of design.

