“CBDelirium, Part II; Wisdom in the Wild, Wild, West of CBD”

Dr. Adrian Adams
Dr. Adrian Adams
Published in
8 min readJul 24, 2020

Part II — The Extraction Factions; How Big Bucks are Battling over ‘The Entourage Effect’ and What You Need to Know About It!

In Part I of “CBDelirium”, we addressed some of the potential dangers in the growing of Hemp for CBD, beginning with using the correct ‘Hemp’ plant’ (equal or less than 0.3% THC) and not the ‘Marijuana’ Plant (more than 0.3% THC), in the first place! We also covered sobering facts surrounding pesticide and poisons in our CBD. Now…. let’s turn to problems found in the various processes of CBD oil extraction, which is also important for all CBD users and potential users to know…

The Battle for Truth in Labeling

Last year the top-selling 240 CBD products were tested for 300 contaminants. After thousands of tests, 70% of products were found “highly contaminated” with heavy metals, like lead, herbicides such as environmentally devastating glyphosate (the active ingredient in RoundUp) and a host of other contaminants including pesticides, BPA and toxic molds. One product contained lead levels which exceeded what the EPA would consider acceptable for drinking water by 100 times.

And not only are there things we don’t want in our CBD — sometimes, there’s no CBD in our CBD at all! Unfortunately, because hemp-derived CBD is still an unregulated industry, makers are not required to test for CBD content. As such, more than half of the products tested inaccurately vs the concentration of CBD claimed on the label. Testing showed variances so great that they went from absolutely no CBD present whatsoever, to having 5 to 6 times what was reported on the label.

Sadly, it is incredibly difficult for consumers to navigate these unregulated products. Pay attention to all of the packaging statements. As you see in the below picture of a popular product, the “Made in the USA” on the label does not match the “Made in Korea” stamp of the manufacturer on the bottom of the bottle next to the expiration date. Unfortunately, the term “buyer beware” carries a whole new weight in the Wild, Wild, West of CBD, making it all the more important to know your supplier.

The Extraction Factions

Part of ‘knowing your CBD supplier’ means understanding exactly how the company extracts the CBD from the Cannabis sativa plant. Apparently, and not so quietly, there has been a war raging between the different factions — of well — extractions! — for quite some time. Who knew? It’s important to understand the various extraction methods, and the pros and cons of each, to make informed decisions, whether you are buying lotions, balms, serums or any other CBD product. Below are the top 3 extraction methods, and what you need to know about them:

Why would you change these beautiful plants any more than you had to?

The Case Against CO2 Extraction; Don’t Mess with Mother Nature

Let’s start with CO2 extraction. This process isolates many chemical compounds found in Cannabis sativa plants, using pressure and temperature. The components can then be reconstituted, or mixed back together, to potentially bring about desired effects. If the CBD component particularly is kept separate, the product of this process will be called ‘CBD Isolate’, and can be up to 99% pure.

But the big argument against CO2 extraction by those opposing it is, the interruption of ‘The Entourage Effect’. The Entourage Effect refers to the holistic and positive results produced from the synergistic interaction of cannabinoids (CBD), flavonoids, terpenes, and fatty acids naturally found — all togehter — in the Cannabis sativa plant. Proponents of The Entourage Effect feel there are inarguable benefits to all of those compounds working together — as opposed to just one or two of them working in isolation or after being mixed by humans — and they voice their opinions quite loudly within the CBD community.

Think about it this way — you can listen to a cello alone — which is beautiful. Or you can listen to a cello in the context of a symphony, with a beautiful background landscape of sound, in which the cello is just one, however important, piece of the whole. Folks opposed to CO2 extraction processes caution CBD buyers to read labels to ascertain that products have been made from ‘hemp flower’ or ‘whole plant’ extraction process, which will present the best chances for an optimal Entourage Effect. The message from this group of activists seems to be pretty simple, “Why mess with Mother nature if you don’t have to?”

The hemp flower, also known as a bud.

Steer Clear of Solvent Extracted Products

Another extraction method that keeps quality CBD producers and suppliers up at night is ‘Hydro-Carbon’ or ‘Solvent’ Extraction. Solvent Extraction is cheap — and dangerous — a perfect storm for a largely unregulated industry. Processors from this school use compounds like butane (lighter fluid) and propane, for their extraction methods. CBD products are often not tested for these chemicals, especially if the company already uses these hydrocarbons in extraction. These solvents can often be tasted in finished CBD products, which is obviously extremely up-setting and unhealthy.

Good Old Alcohol

So, if the CBD industry is old enough to have traditionalists, those producers in favor of the tried and true Alcohol Extraction Process are CBD’s Old Guard — and perhaps the most informed of the lot. During Alcohol Extraction, proponents explain, oils from the plant remain whole and contain the hundreds of compounds mixed together naturally, as created by the plant. Quality alcohol extracting operations use “190+ Proof Food Grade Alcohol”, which is excellent at lifting cannabinoids, but totally healthy for consumption. The 190 Proof Ethanol product is very safe and has been used for years in many foods people would recognize — like vanilla extract for instance.

Alcohol Extractors also love to point out that even though those in the CO2 camp like to ‘dump’ on Alcohol Extraction, the CO2 process actually has an ‘Invisible Step’ that uses alcohol as well! Yup, at the end of the CO2 process, alcohol is used to finish the extraction, by breaking down the ‘peanut butter-like’ substance left after the process is complete. But what type of alcohol is the question? As we’ve seen in recent hand sanitizer scares, all alcohol types are not created equal. You want to see 190+ proof ethanol — or else.

The Conclusion on Contaminants

A good, quality lab report looks like this one from Ontogen Botanicals and will measure the presence of the many solvents that are typically used in all types of CBD production. But there are many poor quality labs and lab reports out there. Reports that don’t include testing for toxic materials, like pesticides and hydrocarbons, are especially dangerous for ill-advised or uneducated buyers, because they make dangerous products look safe.

A recent FDA study found that 69% of CBD product contents do not match what is stated on the label, and in many cases products were found to contain little or no CBD at all. These inconsistencies are in part why it is so hard to nail down the answer to the question “how much CBD should I take?” Each brand is different in terms of factual CBD content regardless of what is stated on the labels and that gets tricky.

Worse yet, many companies online hide the volumetric make up of the product so it’s impossible to ascertain how diluted or potent the product is. Frequently, a vial on a website just says “1000mg CBD” on the label. But 1000mg of CBD in a 1oz vial is 4 times stronger than 1000mg in a 4oz vial, obviously. Unfortunately many labels don’t state the needed information to determine the correct percentages of differnet products present— on purpose. It’s again up to the consumer to find a quality supplier able to answer medical questions.

Ultimately, it seems, regulation of CBD will have to be demanded by the very people who stand to lose the most — the end-use consumer! That’s why it is so important to stay plugged into the political policy debates surrounding CBD today — so that someday, all citizens can reap the benefits of this powerfully healing compound — and be sure to be protected at the same time.

Don’t be fooled, read labels and lab reports very carefully! Educate yourself and know what you are looking for. Only buy your products from a reputable producer. A universal saying regarding dosing amongst the medical cannabis community is start low and increase slow. Every body is different. Just because 10mg worked for your friend doesn’t mean you don’t respond to CBD if you get no results from 10mg. That’s likely just not the right dosage for your body. Don’t be afraid to ask questions — Others are probably wondering the same — whatever it is!

Please Join us for Part III of “CBD-elirium; Wisdom and the Wild, Wild West of CBD”, to complete our initial overview on what CBD consumers should know. We’ll explain Isolate, Broad-Spectrum, and Full-Spectrum CBD products, as well as offer up our easy but important checklist for folks buying CBD, “Nearing Nirvana — Ten Commandments for CDB Creation”.

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Dr. Adrian Adams is the CEO of Ontogen Botanicals, a company dedicated to providing the highest quality CBD to physicians and their patients alike. As a former biology and chemistry educator, Dr. Adams has a deep understanding of the physical properties of the Cannabis sativa plant as well as the various processes used to grow hemp, extract CBD and create superior CBD products. Dr. Adams holds a doctorate in Education as well as a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology.

Dr. Adams is also a passionate influencer within the CBD industry, and a proponent and activist for the use of Medical Marijuana in New York State, having witnessed the significant, positive differences cannabis can make in people’s lives. Adrian is currently the New York State Director of Minorities for Medical Marijuana, a national nonprofit organization devoted to helping give new minority businesses access to the emerging Medical Marijuana industry.

Please read “The Invisible Journey”; #BLM and Being Bi-racial in the Jim Crow South and share our stories to help save lives.



Dr. Adrian Adams
Dr. Adrian Adams

CEO of Ontogen Botanicals, a company dedicated to providing the highest quality CBD therapies. Dr. Adams is the NY Director at Minorities for Medical Marijuana.