Welcome to Dr. Daly’s Latin American Masculinities Course!

This semester you will be required to blog five times on this site as well as complete a final “magazine length” article. I will provide a short reflection piece to inspire your thoughts and observations and you will respond to it here by the date assigned.

  1. Title your piece something original and that relates to its content. An appropriate title would not be “Blog Post 1,” but something specific to the story you wish to share.
  2. Each post should be around 500 words, and may include photos or video.
  3. Do not use any real names in your posts to protect community members’ privacy, especially here at Marquette.
  4. When you comment on your peers’ entries, be respectful of one another’s observations and opinions.
  5. Have fun with this space, and use it to explore your thoughts with the topic and with your peers and instructor.
  6. Think. Observe. Write. Read. Learn. Stretch. Discuss!

