61 Questions and Answers on Dental Implants

Dr Muzzafar Zaman
Dr Muzzafar Zaman Dental Advice
23 min readJul 29, 2019

Are all dental implant treatments successful?

No surgeon or dentist will ever guarantee that your dental implant treatment will be successful. You should also be extremely wary of a dentist claiming a high implant success rate. There are two reasons for this. The first reason is that a particular dentist may have a higher failure rate but then at the same time he is performing that more difficult cases. On the other hand, a particular dentists who says he has a 100% success rate may only be taking on relatively straightforward cases. The second reason is that the success rate depends on short-term as well as longer-term factors. So a dentist may say that he has a 95% success rate but that may only be short-term and then that might drop to 40% after 5 years but he won’t necessarily tell you that. The success of dental implant treatment depends not only on the skill of the surgeon but also your individual mouth condition.

Are dental implants as good as the natural tooth?

It is probably fair to say that a dental implant will be as close as possible to replacing a lost tooth. However, a dental implant will never ever be as good as the natural tooth that you had in the first place. Firstly you will never ever get the same feeling when you chew your food as you did with a natural tooth. Secondly, over a period of time, the appearance may change for example due to gum recession or in comparison with the adjacent natural teeth. Finally, dental implants can develop infection and a particular type is called Dental peri-implantitis.

Are dental implants noticeable?

At the back of the mouth, dental implants may not be easily noticeable but at the front of the mouth, it can be a different story. When you lose a tooth, as well as losing the tooth itself you’ll also lose part of the gum and the underlying bone. The gum and the underlying bone is more difficult to replace using dental implants. The Aesthetics of a dental implant depend on the skill of the dentist but also the original condition of the remaining gum and boone once a tooth has been taken out.

Are dental implants worth it and last forever?

The best dental implant is said to be your original natural tooth that you had in your mouth in the very first place. A dental implant has several components to it and any of these components can need replacing in the future. In addition, any of these components can also fail at any time in the future as well. When having a dental implant, you should definitely think about the ongoing and future costs. Dental implants are not the only way to replace a missing tooth or teeth and therefore it may not always be the best worthwhile option.

Are there cheaper alternatives for dental implants?

Dental implants are not the only way to replace a missing tooth or teeth and therefore it may not be the best and cheapest alternative. The costs of dental implants will vary hugely. This is why it is extremely important to obtain at least three quotes from three different dentists. Cheaper alternatives for dental implants can include dentures and fixed Bridges. In some cases, these can be cheaper, quicker, less hassle and less time-consuming.

Can I get dental implants at 17?

In the UK, most dentists will not consider placing a dental implant for a patient until they are 21 years of age. This is because they want to ensure that your mouth including your jaws have fully developed. However, in other European countries and in America, a dentist will assess each patient individually and certainly implants can be placed at 16 or 17 years of age without any problems whatsoever.

Can I have an implant 4 months after my tooth removal?

There is no specified time limit to when a dental implant can be placed after tooth removal. A dental implant can be placed at the same time as when the tooth is taken out. On the other hand, a dentist may have to wait more than 6 months before a dental implant can be placed.

However typically, it is not unusual to wait 3 months after a lower tooth has been taken out and a period of 4 months after a top tooth has been taken out, before you have a dental implant placed.

Can you be astronaut with teeth implant?

There has never been a situation where a budding astronaut has been not allowed to go into space because they had a tooth implant. However, if you have a mouth full of dental fillings, implants and crowns, this usually indicates that perhaps you have not looked after your health as well as you could have and therefore it can have a detrimental effect on the rest of your health. If you have let your teeth go, you are probably not the kind of person who would want to be considered as an astronaut.

Can you still get braces even if you got a dental implant?

Having a dental implant can affect having braces and having braces can affect having a dental implant. In almost all cases, the problem is that natural teeth can move into a desired position but a dental implant is fixed into your underlying bone. If the brace treatment that you are having requires the dental implant tooth to be moved even a tiny fraction, then this is not possible. The only way to make it possible is to have the dental implant totally removed, then have your brace treatment and after the brace treatment, have a new dental implant placed. Although this is a general rule, there are situations where braces can be placed even if you have got a dental implant.

Dental bridge or dental implant. Which is the best for me?

A tooth can be replaced by a fixed tooth using a dental bridge or a dental implant. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. A dental bridge can sometimes be simpler, quicker, more effective and cheaper than having a dental implant. In addition, a dental bridge can have more predictability and future cost implications are less as well. In other situations, a dental bridge can cause more harm than good and this is where a dental implant may be more suitable.

Do single tooth implants hurt?

As with any form of invasive surgery to the body, there will be a degree of pain, discomfort and swelling after the procedure. The procedure itself may be uncomfortable but no pain is generally felt as the area will be anaesthetised. In some circumstances, you may even be placed under a general anaesthetic or sedation, especially if the tooth implant is going to be complex or extensive. The amount of pain, swelling and discomfort afterwards depends on how difficult or invasive the dental implant procedure was. There is also an element of how well you can take post-operative pain and how well it is managed with painkillers afterwards. Generally speaking, having a tooth implant placed is less comfortable and no more painful than having a tooth out in the very first place.

Does medicare cover dental implants?

Medicare and almost all dental plans do not cover dental implant treatment. However, there are some dental plan providers including Medicare where they may cover some of the cost of the dental implant treatment. As an example, Medicare may cover part of the cost of the Crown that goes over the implant even though they will not cover the cost of the dental implant itself. Generally, Medicare will cover the ongoing costs of looking after the dental implants such as examinations, x-rays and cleaning around the implant. If anything goes wrong with the implant in the future, Medicare and almost all the dental plans will not cover treatment to correct the dental implant. Common UK dental Plan providers are Denplan, Bupa, Practice Plan, AXA, Simply Health, Boots, Dencover, WPA and Eduhealth.

Does the dental implant tooth feel like real teeth?

However advanced dental and scientific technology is at present, a dental implant can never fully and completely replace your own natural tooth that you had in the very first place. One of the ways in which a dental implant significantly differs from real tooth is in how it actually feels. Natural teeth have a sense of feeling Called proprioception. An example of proprioception is when you bite into a seed in some soft food and you automatically are aware of something hard. With dental implants, because they have no nerves, you will not get this feeling. In addition, the shape of the dental implant tooth can never be the same as your original tooth. However, most people will still prefer the dental implant as compared to having no tooth at all or even wearing dentures.

Has anyone had dental implants in Thailand?

Thousands of dental implants are placed each year in Thailand. There isn’t a single country in the world where dental implants are not placed. If you live in the UK, you have a choice to have your dental implants placed in another country. The only reason for this is the cost of implants in the UK compared to some other countries which are cheaper. Dental implants can certainly be placed in Thailand and the costs can be significantly less. however, there are also pitfalls as well as with having treatment in any other country.

How best to get your teeth back

Once you have lost your teeth, you cannot have them replaced with natural teeth ever again. Modern dentistry uses different methods to try to replace what you have lost but none of these are ever going to be as good as what you had in the very first place. The different methods to replace your natural teeth which have been lost are dentures, dental bridge work and dental implants. Within these categories, there are many different types of treatment according to your needs. No one treatment can be said to be better as one treatment may work best for you and not best for another person. The best way to get your teeth back after losing them is to consider all the options with a dentist and working with your dentist to come to a decision that’s right for you.

How effective is a tooth implant?

A tooth implant is probably the closest that you can get to replace your own natural tooth once it has been lost. Having said that, a dental implant is still a very long way off from looking and feeling like a natural tooth that you lost in the very first place. Dental implants are also not perfect in that problems can occur during the procedure and also afterwards. However, dental implants can last decades but so can other forms of dental treatment to replace teeth that you have lost without using dental implants.

How long does a dental implant last?

There are many cases where a dental implant has been lost in the first 24 hours after having been put in. There are also cases where dental implants are functioning after 40 years and are still going strong. As with most things, the reality is probably in the middle somewhere.

Dental implants can fail and failure can be classified into short term and long-term. The factors that caused the failure of dental implants in the short-term are different to those factors that caused the failure of dental implants in the long-term. It is fair to say that before having a dental implant placed, you should discuss in detail about the long-term implications of dental implants. It is also fair to say that when dental implants do go wrong, it can cost more to correct than what it cost for the treatment in the first place.

How long does a dental implant process take?

How long a dental implant process takes depends on a number of factors such as the implant type, the implant procedure, the skill of the dentist and your own unique biological tissues and healing capabilities. The time spans can vary hugely. From having a dental implant placed in one visit and the permanent tooth fitted the next following week. At the other extreme end, a dental implant process can take more than 2 years especially if it involves bone grafting and soft tissue surgery. Generally speaking, a dentist should be able to tell you how long specifically your dental implant process will take. Overall, you should expect a dental implant process to be fully completed from between 3 to 6 months from starting.

How much do All-on-4 dental implants cost in Mexico?

All on 4 dental implants in Mexico will cost about 25 thousand pesos. This is the same as 1000 UK pounds. All on 4 dental implants in the UK will cost about £10,000 in each jaw so both upper and lower will cost about £20,000. In Mexico, you can negotiate with the dentist and both upper and lower can be placed for 50000 pesos which is £2,000. This is an amazing saving but there are also drawbacks. These drawbacks are the same as having cosmetic or dental surgery abroad in general. The dental implant surgeons in Mexico are qualified to a high standard and quite often they have more experience than the implantologists in the UK.

How much do dental implants cost in Turkey?

In the last 5 years, having dental implants in Turkey has become a real viable and cost-effective option. The dental implant surgeons in Turkey are qualified to a high standard and quite often they have more experience than the implantologists in the UK. A full set of dental implants in the UK for both upper and lower teeth will cost £30,000 Upwards in the UK. One dental implant in the UK on average will cost £2,000. In Turkey, one dental implant will cost 2000 Turkish liras which is the equivalent of 500 UK pounds. That is a significant saving. To have all your teeth implanted, you can negotiate with each individual implant dentist in Turkey and obtain and overall price of about a third to a half of what you would normally pay in the UK.

How much do teeth in a day implants cost?

If you search around, you can find that teeth in a day in a UK dentist will cost £10,000. The term teeth in a day is actually a very loose term and may not be what you are really looking for. Teeth in a day definitely does not mean that you walk into a dentist without having any teeth and you walk out the same day with all permanent dental implants And permanent crowns fitted. However, the term teeth in a day means that you go into the dental surgery with a missing tooth or teeth and the dentist is able to place implants with some sort of fixed tooth in place. These are usually in the form of dentures which are temporary or a temporary crown over the implant. Teeth in a day seems a good idea but they are not for everyone and things can go pear-shaped quite easily. Teeth in a day can be cheaper than having dental implants in the conventional way but they also have disadvantages which you need to consider carefully.

How much does dental implant usually cost in the US?

The cost of dental implants in the US ranges from $1,000 per implant to about $4,000 per implant. Having dental implants in the US can be cheaper than having dental implants in the UK. There are several reasons for this. One main reason is that nearly all dentists are qualified to place dental implants in the US as part of their training. The US as always been at the forefront of dental implantology and are more likely to use the latest techniques and are more competitive in order to get your business.

How much does dental surgery cost in India?

General everyday dentistry such as check-ups, cleaning, tooth whitening, fillings and crowns cost about 25% of what they cost in the UK. This means that if a treatment costs 400 UK pounds, that same treatment will cost about 8000 Indian rupees which is the equivalent of 100 UK pounds. Cheaper dental treatment……. does that mean that it is inferior? The dental training in India is at least as extensive as in the UK and newly qualified dentists have done far more real-life procedures than in the UK. Even if you Factor in the cost of travelling to India, staying there and returning, you will still be better off financially by having dental surgery in India. There are however disadvantages which are the same as having cosmetic or dental treatment abroad in any country.

How soon can you get implants after having a tooth pulled out?

When implants first started, it was the norm to wait between six months and one year after having a tooth pulled out. Nowadays, with modern implants and techniques, a dental implant can be placed at the very same visit that the tooth is pulled out. However, there are occasions where it is necessary to wait for a period of at least 3 months for infection to disappear and everything to heal up properly.

How to avoid a cheek bite after teeth implants?

This is quite a common problem and in most cases, you’ll get used to your new bite and after a while, you will not be biting into your cheek anymore. However, if the bite is incorrect or if the bite needs adjusting, then the cheek biting will continue unless the underlying problem is corrected.

How to care for dental implants?

In general terms, dental implants need to be looked after in the same manner as you would look after your normal teeth. This is by brushing, and by using interdental brushes to clean in between. Dental implants, do you need some additional care such as having regular X-rays of the dental implant to make sure it is still functioning. Dental implants also need to be cleaned by the dentist regularly to prevent dental implant perimplantitis.

How to cost a full-mouth dental implant in India?

We have seen full mouth dental implants in India for less than £5,000. In the UK, the money doubles or even triples. There are also different types of full mouth dental implants and the prices for these very considerably.

How to find affordable dental implants?

Dental implants are much more affordable than they used to be 15–20 years ago. However, in the UK, a dental implant should be around £1,500. You can find affordable dental implants by shopping around and also trying to see if a dental hospital will provide under the NHS. Dentists also sometimes look for patients who they can practice under supervision on, and this is where you can get a reasonable cost allocated.

How to implant my teeth in modern technology and its cost?

Modern dental implants can be placed in one visit and without the need for gum flap surgery, extensive bone drilling and has minimal healing times afterwards. These implants are called frequently by different names such as self-tapping dental implants, one visit dental implants, SDI smaller diameter implants and mini implants. These have tremendous advantages over conventional larger diameter implants.

Is a tooth implant necessary?

The vast majority of teeth are taken out without having them replaced with a tooth implant. All dental implants have disadvantages so you need to think carefully whether it is necessary to have your dental implant in the first place. Common reasons are for appearance, where you can’t wear dentures, where a dental bridge is not a good idea, to feel more confident and to prevent the excessive movement of adjacent teeth.

Are dental implant dangerous?

Dental implants can have problems and certainly as with all medical procedures, there are side effects and risk factors. Death from a dental implant is probably not heard of but can still very rarely happen such as surgical infection and septicaemia. However, a dental implant can leave you in a worse position than you were before the procedure was carried out. There is a long list of risk factors which can arise from having dental implants placed.

Is it necessary to have an implant after extraction?

The vast majority of extractions are carried out without a dental implant placed. Therefore it is not always necessary to have an implant placed after extractions. All dental implants have disadvantages so you need to think carefully whether it is necessary to have your dental implant in the first place. Common reasons are for appearance, where you can’t wear dentures, where a dental bridge is not a good idea, to feel more confident and to prevent the excessive movement of adjacent teeth.

Is it normal to have pain after 5 days of teeth implant?

It is normal to get some kind of pain, swelling and discomfort for the first 5 days of having a dental implant. After the first 5 days, if you are still getting pain, swelling and discomfort, you should go back and see your dentist immediately to have everything checked out properly. In most cases, probably it will just be the normal healing process but there can be cases where infection has taken hold or the implant is problematic.

Is it possible to replace a lost tooth with a diamond implant?

There is no such thing as a diamond tooth implant. A dental implant is made out of a non-inert material called Titanium which the body does not reject. In some countries, the titanium used is not pure and if other metals are incorporated inside it such as nickel metal, this can cause allergies and a recent case in Japan has been reported where a patient became allergic and eczema flared up on her skin.

Is tooth implant safe?

Dental implants can have problems and certainly as with all medical procedures, there are side effects and risk factors. Death from a dental implant is probably not heard of. However, a dental implant can leave you in a worse position than you were before the procedure was carried out. There is a long list of risk factors which can arise from having dental implants placed.

Allergy to dental implants has recently been reported and here is the link.

What are some names for teeth implant books?

All of the books on dental teeth implants are academic or scientific books for the Professional. The best place to look for information on dental teeth implants is from of a clinic that does dental implants. In addition, you can ring dental implant manufacturers directly and ask them if they do any literature for patients. The British dental Health Foundation also produces literature on a wide range of dental topics including dental implants. These leaflets, literature and publications are free for patients. Finally, if you ring your nearest dental hospital, you can ask them if they can send you any literature for patients with regards to dental implants.

What are some of the dental problems which need surgery?

The most common dental problems which need surgery are the advanced treatment of gum disease, removal of decayed and infected teeth, extraction of wisdom teeth and the provision of dental implants. In the wider sense of the word, nearly all dental treatment could be classified as surgery. That’s why dental practitioners are also known as dental surgeons.

What are some tips of dental implants and dental veneers?

Here are some tips from a dentist. Firstly, always obtain three different quotes for dental implants and dental veneers. Secondly, always ask what the long-term costs are because all treatment will need replacing at some point in the future. Thirdly, if that treatment does not go according to plan, will that cost you extra? Fourthly, is the dentist or the dental team putting any pressure on you to have the work done? Fifthly, always try to go and see your dentist who has done similar kind of treatment on someone else that you know.

What are the best dental implants in Delhi?

There are many dental implant treatments in Delhi. There are over 160 different types of dental implant systems and it is best to have a dental implant placed that is also used commonly in the UK. The reason for that is, if you have a problem with your dental implant treatment that was carried out in Delhi, then you could always go to a dentist in the UK to have it corrected.

What are the most common dental procedures?

The most common dental procedures carried out in the UK are dental x-rays, scale and polishing, dental fillings and dentures. All general dentists in the UK are well equipped to carry out these procedures. In addition, most general dentists or so have an interest in a particularly more specialised form of treatment. These may include treatments such as adult braces, treatment for nervous patients and cosmetic dentistry.

What are the pros and cons of dental implants?

A lot is written down about the advantages of dental implants but not a huge amount about the disadvantages and problems of dental implants. The advantages of dental implants include that they are the nearest thing to a natural tooth and can restore the appearance and biting including eating. Dental implants however are far from perfect and some will become infected in a condition known as dental implant peri-implantitis. Once you get peri-implantitis, it is difficult to treat but the sooner you have it treated the better the results.

What are the types of teeth implants?

There are more than 160 different types of dental teeth implant systems. Recently, there is a move away from traditional wider diameter implants to those of One Piece smaller diameter implants known as SDI implants. One piece smaller dental implants have several advantages. These advantages include the significant cost saving, reduced time of treatment, less invasive and less surgery being involved.

What country is the safest and cheapest to get tooth implants?

There are many countries which can be considered safe to get tooth implants. There are also many countries where it is cheapest to get tooth implants. There are many countries where having dental implant treatment is much cheaper than the UK but also relatively safe at the same time. These are Eastern European countries such as Hungary, Bulgaria and Georgia. Going further South, countries such as Egypt and Turkey, also offer safe and cheap implants especially in the big cities. Further East, there are many clinics in Pakistan, India, Goa and Sri Lanka where the surgeons are very experienced and the treatment is both safe and much cheaper than in the UK.

What dental clinic in Dubai is the best for implants?

There are many dental implant treatments in Dubai. There are over 160 different types of dental implant systems and it is best to have a dental implant placed that is also used commonly in the UK. The reason for that is, if you have a problem with your dental implant treatment that was carried out in Dubai, then you could always go to a dentist in the UK to have it corrected.

What foods can one have after tooth implant surgery?

After having tooth implant surgery, you probably won’t want to feel like eating or drinking much. You will want to wait until things have healed up. However, foods that one can have after dental implant surgery are those which won’t put any pressure on your teeth and gums especially if they are painful, swollen and sore. Drinks are absolutely fine as are soups. You will probably just will want to have soft foods.

What is ‘autogenous tooth transplantation’?

Autogenous tooth transplantation refers to having a tooth taken out and the space being filled in by another tooth in the same Mouth. It therefore refers to the same individual. At one time, it was very experimental however studies have shown that if it is done properly, it can have high success rates both short and long-term. However, it is hardly ever done in Dental surgeries in the UK.

What is best dental hospital in Kochi?

There are many dental implant treatments in Kochi There are over 160 different types of dental implant systems and it is best to have a dental implant placed that is also used commonly in the UK. The reason for that is, if you have a problem with your dental implant treatment that was carried out in Kochi, then you could always go to a dentist in the UK to have it corrected.

Which is more painful, root canal or teeth extraction?

The simple answer is, who does the treatment in question. An inexperienced dental surgeon can cause pain even if a root canal or tooth extraction procedure is simple and straightforward. On the other hand, an experienced and skilful dental surgeon will cause minimal pain during a root canal or teeth extraction procedure.

What is it like to have an implanted molar tooth?

Having an implant for a molar tooth carried out by an experienced dentist using a good implant system is no more difficult than having a molar tooth out in the first place. In addition, afterwards, there will obviously be some soreness and pain but that is usually much less than having the tooth out of the very first place. The procedure can easily be carried out in a dental surgery under a normal injection in the mouth as he would do such as when having a filling placed in your mouth.

What is the most suitable place for molar implant in Pune?

There are many dental implant treatments in Pune. There are over 160 different types of dental implant systems and it is best to have a dental implant placed that is also used commonly in the UK. The reason for that is, if you have a problem with your dental implant treatment that was carried out in Pune, then you could always go to a dentist in the UK to have it corrected.

Which is worse, a dental extraction or an implant?

A simple implant procedure can be much easier than a difficult tooth extraction procedure. Conversely, a complex implant procedure will be much worse than a simple dental extraction. Overall, if you have a dental implant placed by a skilful and sympathetic surgeon, then this procedure is no more difficult than having a tooth out in the first place.

Who needs dental implants treatment?

A dental implant treatment is simply a procedure to have 1 or more teeth replaced which have been extracted. Not all teeth which have been taken out need to be replaced by a dental implant. Sometimes dental implants are not the best method to replace teeth which have been lost. There are other treatments available which can replace teeth that have been lost. Generally speaking, most patients can have dental implant treatment depending on the condition of the rest of their mouth.

Why are dental implants best for tooth replacement?

A dental implant treatment is simply a procedure to have 1 or more teeth replaced which have been extracted. Not all teeth which have been taken out need to be replaced by a dental implant. Sometimes dental implants are not the best method to replace teeth which have been lost. There are other treatments available which can replace teeth that have been lost. Generally speaking, most patients can have dental implant treatment depending on the condition of the rest of their mouth.

Why are dental implants best for tooth replacement?

A dental implant treatment is simply a procedure to have 1 or more teeth replaced which have been extracted. Not all teeth which have been taken out need to be replaced by a dental implant. Sometimes dental implants are not the best method to replace teeth which have been lost. There are other treatments available which can replace teeth that have been lost. Generally speaking, most patients can have dental implant treatment depending on the condition of the rest of their mouth.

Why are dental implants so expensive?

A dental implant can vary between £400 to £4,000. One of the biggest Factors in the cost is the location. Even within the same town or city, prices can vary hugely. The training that is involved in placing dental implants, the special equipment needed and the costs for the implant components themselves have to be factored into the overall cost.

Why do people get dental implants?

The most common reason for having dental implants is for appearance or aesthetics. The next most common reason for having dental implants Is for eating and chewing.

There are other ways in which lost teeth can be replaced and one of them is wearing dentures. However, not everyone can wear dentures and therefore these patients often want to get dental implants as an alternative.

Why is the pain so bad after having implant removed?

Having a dental implant removed is an extensive and brutal procedure. This is because an implant integrates with your own jaw bone and that integration needs to be broken. The only way to break the bond between the implant and your mouth is to drill the implant out which involves drilling the bone next to the implant as well.

Why should you get teeth implants in India?

There are many good dental clinics in India. If you know a family or a friend who has been there personally themselves, then that is probably the best feedback. In addition, if you go to the dental clinic yourself, you will get a feel for the place and they feel of how good the staff are. If possible, you may also be able to have a quick chat with a dental surgeon.

Why tooth/teeth implant is costly in Singapore?

There are many good dental clinics in Singapore. If you know a family or a friend who has been there personally themselves, then that is probably the best feedback. In addition, if you go to the dental clinic yourself, you will get a feel for the place and they feel of how good the staff are. If possible, you may also be able to have a quick chat with a dental surgeon.

Will I be in pain during or after getting a dental implant?

There is almost always some pain during and after getting a dental implant placed. This is because it is a form of invasive surgery to your body. The amount of pain is usually controlled by painkillers such as paracetamol, aspirin or ibuprofen. Most severe pain can be controlled by stronger painkillers such as codeine, Dihydrocodeine and diclofenac. In addition, some dentists use corticosteroids to reduce the swelling after the surgery.

Wisdom Teeth and Dental Implants Archives

Wisdom teeth and dental implants archives can be found in professional dental journals. These journals include the journal of dental implantology, dental implants, North American dental journal and the British dental journal.

By Dr Muzzafar Zaman

