The Best Mouthwash for Gum Disease, According to a Dentist

Dr Muzzafar Zaman
Dr Muzzafar Zaman Dental Advice
23 min readJun 26, 2019

Listerine Advanced Defence Gum Treatment Mouthwash 500ml

How it works

Listerine contains four Essential Oils. The oils are eucalyptol 0.092%, thymol 0.064%, methyl salicylate 0.060% and menthol 0.042%.

These kill bacteria in the mouth. Some of these bacteria are implicated in bad breath. The other bacteria that are targeted by Listerine mouthwash are those responsible for gum disease. Listerine also works against the plaque or bacteria that forms on your teeth, in the very first place.

Listerine Advanced Defence Gum Treatment specifically contains LAE (Ethyl Lauroyl Arginate) And this chemical forms a physical coating on the surface of the enamel of your teeth. It is the pellicle that interacts with this coating. Once this interaction has taken place, the bacteria in your mouth then find it more difficult to attach themselves to the pellicle proteins found on the surface of your teeth. As we all know, plaque is essentially a type of biofilm. Listerine therefore prevents and interrupts the formation and maturation of the bacterial plaque biofilm. There are two types of gum disease, and these are known as gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is the mild form and can be reversed by fairly simple measures such as better brushing. On the other hand, periodontitis is the more severe form of gum disease and untreated will lead to tooth loss. Periodontitis cannot be treated by the patient alone, and that patient with periodontitis will need professional treatment by a dentist.

Listerine therefore does work really well against gingivitis together with a good brushing technique to clean off the plaque in your mouth. However, in periodontitis where you get the formation of gum pockets, no mouthwash will be able to get down into the pocketing. The only person who can get down to this pocketing is the dentist with his special scalers and specialised equipment. Although Listerine will not treat periodontitis, it will still help in or as an adjunct to the dentists treatments.


All Listerine products and mouthwashes do have a distinctive strong taste. There used to be an advert on TV promoting Listerine, where a dragon would use the mouthwash because the mouthwash was so strong and effective. Certainly when I used this mouthwash, I felt that you had to be a dragon in order to not be moved by the strong taste of the mouthwash. The taste is definitely definitely not for everyone. Having said that, after you have used it for a few days, the taste does seem less objectionable and you do get used to the taste.

You do not need to use the recommended cup sizes as it is recommended on the bottle, but you can get away with using less than half the amount stipulated. In addition, you can dilute the mouthwash down as well. This will also make the mouthwash last longer.

Value for money.

In terms of mouthwashes available, Listerine is not the cheapest but certainly not the most expensive one either. It’s value for money, lies somewhere in the middle. If you shop around in bargain stores, such as home Bargains, Wilko, B&M stores and pound shops. You can sometimes buy Listerine at a much reduced price than in your normal chemist or drugstore by looking out for special offers.

Overall rating.

The overall rating for Listerine advanced defence gum mouthwash is 9 out of 10.

Corsodyl Chlorhexidine Gum Problem Treatment Mouthwash, 300 ml

How it works

Corsodyl mouthwashes are widely recommended by the dental profession. There must be a reason for this. The primary reason for corsodyl mouthwash being widely recommended by the dental profession, is that, it certainly does have properties to fight against gum disease. Being cynical, the other reason for it being widely recommended by the dental profession is that the company that makes this mouthwash, does aggressively market this mouthwash to dentists and dental surgeries. The company will give out samples of this mouthwash, attend courses and encourage dentists to recommend this.

Corsodyl mouthwash contains a chemical called chlorhexidine. Chlorhexidine binds and sticks and attaches to the tissues in the mouth which are the oral mucosa and the teeth. It will even attach onto surfaces of fillings and crowns. The chlorhexidine then releases its effect over a number of hours to kill the bacteria and fungi. This has been proven many times in clinical studies and papers. In addition, the bacteria find it difficult to attach themselves onto the gums and surface of your teeth. The overall effect is to reduce the bacteria in your mouth and also to kill any bacteria.

Corsodyl does have three main disadvantages.

1. corsodyl does have a rather unpleasant and lingering taste. This will be discussed in the section below when assessing the taste of this product.

2. Corsodyl will cause staining of your teeth.

3. Corsodyl is mainly effective against plaque forming in the very first place and will not be that effective against plaque that is already present on the surface of the tooth.


Corsodyl has a Potent taste. It is difficult to describe the type of taste it does have, so you have to try it to experience it! The other disadvantage is that the taste will linger on and this is due to the properties of chlorhexidine in that it binds or attaches itself to the oral tissues. If you use corsodyl just before going to bed, you will still notice that your taste has been altered the very next day. This will affect the taste of your food and drinks.

Value for money

Corsodyl certainly does have an intended effect against gum disease and especially gingivitis. It will not get right down into the deep pockets in which you get in periodontitis. One big advantage of corsodyl is that 1 cup of the mouthwash will last several hours. The best time therefore to use corsodyl is just before going to bed. It is essential to brush your teeth as thoroughly as he possibly can before you use the mouthwash as it has an effect in preventing the formation of the plaque in the first place.

Overall rating.

The overall rating for corsodyl is 8 Out of 10.

Listerine Original Antiseptic Mouthwash

How it works

Listerine has been already discussed above. Listerine original antiseptic mouthwash has the same properties of the Listerine advanced gum defence without the special formulation of LAE (Ethyl Lauroyl arginate.

You will still find the four essential antibacterial oils indeed Listerine mouthwash formulation and it has been proven to be an highly effective mouthwash for gum disease and bad breath. Often, gum disease and brand bad breath will go hand-in-hand.


Listerine original antiseptic mouthwash has a strong taste which has been mentioned above.

Value for money.

Listerine is not overly expensive in comparison to other competitors mouthwash products but it is not the cheapest either and this is because it does contain ingredients that do actually work against gum disease and bad breath.

Overall rating.

The overall rating for Listerine original antiseptic mouthwash is 9 out of 10.

Colgate Peroxyl Mouth Rinse mild mint

How it works


Colgate Peroxyl, As the name suggests contains hydrogen peroxide as its main ingredients. Hydrogen peroxide is very similar to water in that it has an extra oxygen Atom compared to water which is H2O. The property of hydrogen peroxide that makes it useful is that, hydrogen peroxide is unstable and as it quickly breaks down, it returns to water but gives out the extra oxygen that it carries. It is this extra oxygen that has the useful antibacterial property. Most people don’t know this but there are bacteria in the mouth called anaerobic bacteria which actually dislike oxygen conditions. When these anaerobic bacteria are subjected to an environment with oxygen, they literally die off. This means that any product that releases oxygen to anaerobic bacteria, will be acting as an antibacterial agent. The bacteria which are found in periodontitis deep down in the gum pocketing, are anaerobic bacteria to some extent and it is these bacteria that the mouthwash is targeting. The problem with this is that, those bacteria are hidden away from the oral environment and therefore if saliva can’t get to them, then a mouthwash also cannot get to them. However the other property that this mouthwash claims, is that the oxygen that is released, has an effect similar to swishing your mouth out with water after a meal in order to dislodge any food particles. Both of these claims can be argued against because the anaerobic bacteria cannot readily be attacked by the hydrogen peroxide mouthwash and the oxygenating action will not be that much more effective than just rinsing your mouth out of vigorously anyway. Colgate peroxyl mouth rinse is marketed as an antiseptic oral mouthwash with a unique oxygenating cleansing action. As such, it helps to remove debris from hard to reach areas of the mouth and in addition the release of oxygen has an antibacterial effect on the anaerobic bacteria. Of course, not all bacteria in the mouth are anaerobic so it will not have any effect whatsoever on the other type of bacteria called aerobic bacteria which are also implicated in gum disease.


Colgate peroxyl mouth rinse has a mild minty taste although the minty taste is not that mild and on a scale of 0 to 10, I would put the taste down as 5 out of 10. If you do not particularly like the taste of mint, then you should avoid this mouthwash.

Value for money.

It is hard to actively promote this mouthwash because the mechanism of action is suspect and even if it does work, it can’t be that much more effective than your normal oral hygiene routine such as tooth brushing which will have the most beneficial effect in combating your gum disease.

Overall rating.

The overall rating is 1 out of 10.

Corsodyl Daily Original Toothpaste

How it works

The mechanism of action of corsodyl mouthwash is similar to the corsodyl toothpaste or gel. Strictly speaking, the corsodyl gel is not a mouthwash but the reason why it has been included in here, is that after you are brushed with it, you can still use it to swirl the toothpaste around your mouth before spitting it out. To cut to the chase, let’s look at studies which have compared the corsodyl or chlorhexidine containing mouthwash vs are chlorhexidine containing toothpaste gel. Overall the studies show that the mouthwash is more effective in combating gingivitis, periodontitis, gingival bleeding and generalised inflammation. But the mouthwash has more capabilities of staining your teeth. The staining is not just limited to your teeth, but it will also stay in any white fillings you have in your mouth and any crowns or bridge work in your mouth. Although the staining is claimed as not to be permanent, it is impossible to get rid of with a toothbrush. So the only way to get rid of the staining that corsodyl causes, is to go and see a dentist who will attempt to remove the staining caused by chlorhexidine or corsodyl. However being a dentist, it is a really difficult time consuming task to start removing corsodyl or chlorhexidine stains from someone’s teeth. The stains of very generalized, so you cannot just clean a few teeth and think that’s it. You have to go around all the 6 surfaces of every single tooth in the mouth. At the back of the mouth, it can become really difficult and cumbersome for both dentist and patient. If the patient has sensitive teeth, then this is it not present procedure at all and it seems to superfluous to start numbing or giving an injection for every single tooth to remove the steering. In the past, I have had a patient who insisted that I remove every single bit of staining caused by his use of corsodyl mouthwash. This process took several visits. Even after most of the visible staining had been removed, there was the issue of his white fillings in the front of his mouth and at the back of his mouth as well. The staining on his white fillings looked absolutely horrendous and it was so difficult to polish the staining off the fillings. Eventually I had to use a composite polishing disc to remove the staining but this means that you remove the top layer of the filling as in waxing a car. Once the top layer of the filling has been removed, you then need to re polish it to get it as smooth as possible otherwise a rough surface on the filling will just pick up more stains in the future from the diet such as tea, coffee, red wine and curries. The other difficulty about corsodyl causing staining around your white fillings, is that the edges of the filling where the border of the filling meets the tooth, can become almost impossible to clean off by conventional scaling and polishing by the dentist. If the patient is still not happy, then it is usually necessary to replace the filling wholly or partially. This is not ideal as it is another procedure, further costs are involved and as we know, fillings do not last forever. Similarly, these problems also occur with the fillings at the back of the mouth known as posterior composites. Corsodyl staining is also quite stubborn around the neck of the tooth where the enamel meets the dentin at the root surface. This presents extra difficulties in cleaning because the junction between the enamel and dentin at the neck of the tooth, is often a very sensitive area, and therefore to start cleaning it will cause discomfort for the patient. Once you have done one tooth like this, then you have to do every single other tooth so you can imagine this is an extremely time consuming procedure. The interdental areas, are also not immune to staining and these are sometimes the most difficult areas for the dentist to clean into. At the front of the mouth for the anterior teeth, even a dentist scaling tip cannot reach the contact points or interdental areas so the dentist has to clean these areas using other methods. These methods use interdental polishing strips, and once again, it is very time consuming and not particularly pleasant for the patient. Airflow is a treatment that some dentists do have and this is helpful to use.

Corsodyl gel tends to cause less staining than chlorhexidine or corsodyl mouthwash but the studies show that it is not as effective on gingivitis, gum disease and periodontitis. One also has to consider that the corsodyl or chlorhexidine gel has a less objectionable taste to the horrid corsodyl or chlorhexidine mouthwash. Colgate do realise that the taste is fairly horrid so they have marketed a mint flavoured corsodyl mouthwash, but this is still fairly horrendous in terms of taste.


As discussed above in detail, the taste is very horrid and unpalatable.

Value for money.

The chemical in corsodyl mouthwash or gel or toothpaste is called chlorhexidine and it does work on a scientific basis against bacterial plaque. I noticed that prices for corsodyl do vary quite extensively from one supermarket to another supermarket and from one supplier to another. So my recommendation is that don’t just buy the first one that you see on the shelf but shop around as you can sometimes knock off 50% or more.

Overall rating.

The overall rating for corsodyl gel toothpaste is 7 out of 10

Meridol Mouth rinse

How it works.

Meridol mouthwash also comes as a toothpaste as well but it is not well known or is not a big seller in the UK. It is more of a seller in mainland Europe and in the USA. Meridol mouthwash contains no alcohol and it contains essential oils such as aniseed, eucalyptus oil and mint. It therefore has a mild antibacterial effect which is not supposed to disturb the overall flora of your mouth. Some mouthwashes can effect disturbing the overall flora of your mouth, cause a proliferation of fungus such as candida albicans which then needs to be subsequently treated. Meridol also contains fluoride so it can work against tooth decay. The action of meridol is quite mild and therefore it makes you wonder how effective it really is. Even though it may be effective, you have to question how long this effect will last for as you can’t keep on using it every half an hour or hour. As well as being impractical, it becomes an expensive exercise!

Meridol mouthwash will have some overall generalized effect in reducing bacteria but overall will not supersede brushing.


As a positive, it does have a very pleasant taste and that must give you confidence if you suffer from bad breath.

Value for money

Meridol can be bought fairly inexpensively but not in the UK as you would have to pay the postage costs.

Overall rating

The overall rating is 3 out of 10.

Gengigel Mouthrinse

How it works

Gengigel mouthwash is also available as a gel in a tube. It contains a natural chemical implicated in Healing called hyaluronic acid. It is therefore marketed as a mouthwash containing natural healing ingredients that are found in the human body anyway. The mouthwash is designed to combat soreness, painful, ulceration and after dental surgery. I do quite often recommend it if a patient has had a difficult extraction of a tooth being taken out. It is also useful if there have been multiple teeth which have been taken out especially wear dentures have also been fitted. It is not in place of good oral hygiene and traditional painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, but it is just an additive to calm the oral mucosa down a little bit after trauma.


It doesn’t have a particularly appetising taste but at the same time, the taste is not vile. I would best describe it as neutral.

Value for money

Gengigel mouthrinse does have a limited usage and it probably overall not much more advantageous than using a TCP or salty mouthwash rinse after surgery or if your mouth is sore for any reason.

Overall rating

The rating is 4 out of 10.

Eludril Classic Mouthwash

How it works

Eludril Classic Mouthwash contains Chlorhexidine digluconate (0.1%) and Chlorobutanol (0.5%). It is designed to reduce the amount of plaque in your mouth which is implicated in the gum disease and bad breath. The active ingredient is chlorhexidine which has been scientifically proven to combat bacterial plaque. The biggest seller of mouthwash containing chlorhexidine is the one made by Colgate called corsodyl. Although corsodyl does have a monopoly, patients should consider using this if only to break up their monopoly. Eludril Classic Mouthwash Is also not heavily and aggressively marketed to dentists in order to ensure their market value.


The strong taste of chlorhexidine has been discussed above extensively however it certainly does have a much milder and better taste than it’s competitor corsodyl. It may be the extra ingredient of chlorobutanol that helps to dampen the strong taste of corsodyl.

Value for money

This mouthwash is not as readily available as some of the other mainstream mouthwashes but nevertheless, you can ask your chemist to order it specifically for you or you can buy it on the internet.

Overall rating

Overall the rating is 9 out of 10

Weleda Ratanhia Mouthwash

How it works

This mouthwash is made from the roots of the ratanhia plant. The Root plant is widespread in the Andes of Peru and is made organically by the Farmers.

They claim that “A mouth that’s out of balance means sore and bleeding gums, nasty tastes and bad breath. The farmers have blended the roots with precious myrrh to tone, strengthen and tighten the gums and to prevent irritation. Natural essential oils of sage, eucalyptus and peppermint deliver lasting freshness. Rinse and spit, and get your breath back. “

Let’s analyse the claims that they make. The first claim that they make is that a mouth can become out of balance and that means gums which are sore and bleed. In addition this causes nasty tastes and bad breath. Unfortunately, sore and bleeding gums are not due to a mouth out of balance but simply due to bacterial plaque that is not removed and that leads to gum disease. In fact you could say, that ironically, a balanced mouth where you do not touch the Flora of your mouth by brushing or by any other means, is the one that’s not healthy but that is the one that will cause loss of your teeth. The natural Balance of bacteria in your mouth is the one that leads to gum disease, so oral hygiene measures are trying to disrupt the natural Balance of your mouth. It is true, that in extreme circumstances, the mouth flora can become very unbalanced and this can cause proliferation of certain bacteria or viruses such as candida albicans fungal infection in the mouth. So the first claim that they make is a little bit far fetched.

The next claim they make is that the mouthwash will tighten the gums. Gums cannot be tightened and strengthened by a mouthwash. It is gingivitis and periodontitis, the two forms of gum disease, that cause a breakdown of your gums. The primary treatment for gingivitis and periodontitis is two-fold as always. Firstly, how you clean the plaque off your teeth by physical means such as tooth brushing and flossing and interdental aids. The second part of this jigsaw is to go to the dentist to have professional treatment carried out. The professional treatment will involve monitoring how you are brushing, but in addition it will involve the cleaning off any plaque retentive factors. Plaque retentive factors are those such as the build-up of tartar or calculus on your teeth. It also involves polishing your fillings or crowns so that they do not attract more plaque than they have to. Finally, in periodontitis, the gum breakdown has reached such an extent that the dentist needs to carry out deep cleaning also known as root planing or root surface debridement . This is then monitored by the dentist over a period of time. Unfortunately, once you have got active extensive gum disease, there is no cure for it. You can only prevent it from reoccurring or from getting worse.

The third claim that they make, is that the mouthwash contains three natural oils called peppermint, eucalyptus and sage. It certainly is true that these are antibacterial and will help to combat the bacteria in your mouth which are responsible for halitosis. They say that it’s long lasting however all mouthwashes really do not last a long time because the continuous action of saliva will quickly wash away the mouthwash.


Out of all the mouthwashes tested here, this has the most palatable and agreeable taste. I have some patients who just use this mouthwash because it just tastes so nice and helps to freshen your breath. It has none of the medicinal taste of traditional medicated mouthwashes. Having said that, it is no substitute for the underlying causes of the gum or bad breath problems you may be using this mouthwash for.


This mouthwash fortunately does not have any side effects and it is useful as a temporary measure.

Overall rating

The overall the rating is 7 out of 10.

The Natural Dentist Healthy Gums Mouth Rinse

How it works

The natural dentist healthy gums mouth rinse can be found in some dental surgeries in the UK but mainly in the US. It originally came about because a dentist had gum disease which was not being cleared up by normal conventional treatment. He then concocted some of his own ingredients and found that his gum disease had dramatically improved. I have spoken to this dentist myself and I asked him if this was just a coincidence. He asked me, why I thought it was a coincidence. I said to him that you were already having conventional treatment and you were brushing as well as you possibly can, being a dentist. We also know that gum disease can be unpredictable in that you can make as much effort as you can in treating it and sometimes it just does not respond. In addition, sometimes the gum disease clears up by itself over a period of time. We do know that, gum disease is exacerbated by stress. At the time that this dentist had gum disease, he was going through some personal and professional challenges and therefore he was under a lot of stress and this may be the reason why the gum disease was not clearing up with conventional treatment. Also, the scientific papers that he did mention to me, are not as extensive as I would expect to find for a treatment claiming to be the fight against gum disease.

The natural dentist healthy gums mouth rinse is suitable for vegetarians.

The active ingredients are aloe vera as 20% and plant extracts.

These work in conjunction to have an antigingivitis and antiplaque effect.


It does have a mild taste but the taste is certainly noticeable afterwards in your mouth although it is not objectionable as a taste.


It has an eye-watering 15 to £20 Price Tag when you decide to buy this. In addition you can add another 3 or £4 for postage cost so it is the most expensive mouthwash in this list.

Overall rating

The overall the rating is 3 out of 10.

SARACAN mouthwash

How it works

Sarakan mouthwash has been around for more than 20 years. It was initially recognised in a dental journal as having properties to treat gum disease. The original format was in the form of a toothpaste. The toothpaste was also called sarakan toothpaste. Since then, so I can see that toothpaste and mouthwash have been extensively tested in clinical settings using proper methods and double-blind techniques to ensure that the experiments have not been concocted or fabricated in anyway.

Sarakan mouthwash has now been extensively sold in health food shops because it contains no fluoride and only contains natural ingredients plus it is also vegetarian.

It has an impressive array of ingredients.

The star of the ingredients is salvadora persica. Salvadora persica goes back a long time when people used to clean their teeth using the bark of the salvadora tree. It was noticed, that by using the bark as a twig, it would reduce bleeding gums and bad breath. This was before toothbrushes were the norm. It is true to say that it was nature’s own toothbrush and the first toothbrush which already contains toothpaste inside it!

Salvadora persica does have clinically proven antibacterial and anti gingivitis and anti periodontitis agents in it.

When you also look at the other ingredients it contains, it is quite an impressive list. The other ingredients are glycerine but from non-animal sources. Also it contains which is Hazel in the form of hammamelis virginiana (witch hazel) distillate. The impressive list goes on to include cetyl pyridinium chloride, mentha arvensis oil, mentha piperita oil, eugenia caryophillata oil, pelargoneum roseum oil, limonene, citronellol, geraniol, chlorophyl.

This is impressive because nearly all of the other natural claiming mouthwashes may contain two or three natural ingredients, but this one has an whole array of naturally occurring proven antibacterial agents to fight against gum disease and rank bad breath.


I have yet to meet anybody who says that this mouthwash does not have a pleasant taste. In fact it actually has a positively pleasant taste and this stays with you to give your mouth a really good feeling that your mouth is clean and hygienic and your breath does not smell like a dog.

Value for money

This can be bought for less than half the price of normal conventional mouthwashes. This therefore makes you wonder, how much the other companies are charging and what hefty profits they are making.

It is the best value for money mouthwash in this review here. In addition, I used it when I had an ulcer in my mouth, and the ulcer cleared up quicker than what it normally would have and it was less painful whilst in the healing process.

Overall rating

Overall rating is 10 out of 10

ALOCLAIR plus mouthwash

How it works.

Aloclair mouthwash is indicated for ulcers or when your mouth is so for example after having a tooth out or extensive dental treatment. Everyone has at some point accidentally bitten on their tongue whilst eating and this can get quite painful in the first 12 to 48 hours. This is another good use for aloclair mouthwash. It also comes as a spray as well.

Aloclair plus mouthwash contains a list of impressive clinically proven ingredients. They also act synergistically so all the ingredients put together work better than each of them separately. It is an highly effective mouthwash to use for ulcers. The ingredients are Aloe vera, Xanthan gum, Potassium sorbate, Sodium benzoate, Aroma, Benzalkonium chloride, Disodium EDTA , Sodium saccharin, Dipotassium glycyrrhizate.

Everyone has heard of the natural healing properties of aloe vera. It is one of the few if not the only mouthwash which contains aloe vera for use in the mouth. The aloe vera accelerates the healing process of an ulcer in your mouth. An ulcer in your mouth is simply where the skin of the mouth breaks open and therefore bacteria can get inside the tissues. It is the breach and the bacteria which cause the pain of ulceration. Aloe vera helps to accelerate the healing process of the ulcer and therefore the pain will disappear much quicker. Aloclair plus mouthwash contains xanthan gum. The xanthan gum forms a protective layer over the ulcer. It is not far-fetched to say that it is the equivalent of putting a plaster in your mouth. The xanthan gum sticks onto the ulcer and helps to protect it against further irritation and further bacteria going inside it. This reduces the pain and also increases the overall healing time. The remaining beneficial ingredients are not just there for show but also have a specific purpose and they all act together to produce and highly effective product.

In use, here are the following tips to ensure best usefulness of this mouthwash.

  1. Usually, when you get an ulcer in your mouth, you usually have some slight warning signs that you are about to get an ulcer in your mouth. It is usually a slight stinging or tingling or you just know that you are about to get an ulcer on your mouth which is usually on your cheek or on your tongue. This is easily the best time to use aloclair plus mouthwash.
  2. So as soon as you are aware that you are about to get to a full-blown ulcer, you place a small amount of mouthwash in your mouth. You certainly do not need to fill the cap up as marked because it is just not necessary. However if you do fill the whole cap up as marked, then that does not do any harm except that the mouthwash will use up quicker than otherwise.
  3. The mouthwash needs to be placed primarily at the site of the painful ulcer in your mouth. You then need to time it and this is perhaps the most important part of its usage. That timing is critical because anything less than 1 minute just will not have much of her useful effect. Using trial and error, I noticed that a minimum of 2 minutes is needed and if you can extend this to 3 or even 4 minutes, it will certainly work wonders.
  4. Over the next few days, you will notice that the ulcer is not as painful as it normally is and the ulcer will disappear much quicker than normal. Most of the time when I have used it, I am not aware that an ulcer has even occurred in my mouth such as the healing ability of this amazing mouthwash. It works immediately!
  5. The mouthwash can Simply Be spat out without rinsing with water afterwards. This makes sure that it does not get washed away and you get the maximum benefit of it. We noticed the best time usually is to use it last thing at night because then you have the protective effect for 6 to 8 hours while you are sleeping undisturbed.
  6. You can use it again once or twice more the next day but it is not always necessary and it does depend on how bad the ulcer is.


when it is initially in your mouth, it does not have any particular taste and it just feels like a heavy liquid in your mouth. You notice a very very tiny slight alteration in taste and this is because the mouthwash forms that protective coating over the ulcer. Although you do notice the taste when you use it for the very first time, afterwards, you just totally forget about it and of all the mouthwashes listed above here in this test, this is the one that which has the least strongest and the most neutral taste.

Value for money

Bottle of mouthwash can be bought for between 5 or £6 but the bottle is quite small however you do have to remember that if a product works to relieve the ulcer, it is money well spent. I would rather have one of these bottles in my bathroom cupboard than 10 mouthwashes which do not work anywhere near as effectively. And if you do suffer from lots of ulcers in your mouth, you will see this mouthwash as a lifesaver. One bottle of mouthwash will still last you quite a long time because you are only using small amounts and only one or two applications are necessary.

Overall rating

For ulcers, this mouthwash gets a full 10 out of 10 marks because it is just so amazingly effective and a cost-effective product.

