What Do You Think About Dentistry As a Profession?

Dr Muzzafar Zaman
Dr Muzzafar Zaman Dental Advice
1 min readJun 8, 2020

With over 20 years’ experience in clinical dentistry, and having met countless
dentists, most do not enjoy the profession. If you do not enjoy working as a dentist, it will be a sheer hell for you to keep on doing this for the next 30 years. But dentistry can be one of the most rewarding and enjoyable ways to spend most of your life working.

Dentistry is very diverse and you must find something within dentistry that you really enjoy. You must be able to step out of your comfort zone frequently and expand yourself. You just cannot keep on doing the same work day in day out. You should be in a position where even when you can retire, you choose whether you do so or not simply because you enjoy the work so much. Like every single other profession, it can have its drawbacks and therefore you must know about the pitfalls. Go and talk to experienced dentists both successful and less successful. You will get a good overall perspective on whether this is a good career for you to follow or not.

