Benefits of Teeth Whitening: Dr. Rashmi Patel

Teeth stay bright and white when brushed and flossed every day, but over time, it is not uncommon for an adult to see teeth become yellowed or stained.

Dr. Rashmi Patel
Dr. Rashmi Patel, Dentistry
3 min readJan 15, 2018


Many adults have lowered self-esteem as teeth become stained or yellowed. Thankfully, there are options to whiten and brighten your smile. Most people want to have a white and shiny smile, and to achieve that, they rely on their dentist to provide teeth whitening services.

Before you take advantage of teeth whitening procedures, it is smart to learn more about why your teeth change color and what you can do about it. Dr. Rashmi Patel has vast experience in helping patients have a whiter smile. So, let’s look at why your teeth have changed color. Over time, many factors play a hand in teeth color. Drinks such as red wine, coffee, and tea play a major role in staining of the teeth. Chromogens are strong color pigments that will attach to the white of the teeth, causing staining.

Tobacco can also have an effect on teeth. The tar and nicotine will cause yellowish staining on your teeth. Age can also be a factor. Over time, the enamel will start to thin and softer areas known as dentin starts to show through, causing a yellow coloring.

How Can Teeth Whitening Help?

The process of teeth whitening helps by using carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide to whiten the teeth. The bleach chemicals will break the stains into smaller areas and the discoloration is less concentrated which makes your teeth brighter.

Teeth whitening products do not work on all teeth, so it is important to speak to your dentist to find out what will work for you. While yellowed teeth will be whitened with bleach, brown teeth may not. Whitening agents will also not work on crowns, fillings or veneers.

The Teeth Whitening Process — Dr. Rashmi Patel

What Teeth Whitening Options Do I have?

When it comes to whitening products, there are many options. To begin, there is whitening toothpaste that will help remove surface stains. Light abrasives work to remove the stains from the teeth making them whiter.

Another option can be found with in-office bleaching. Bleaching in the office will take just one visit and the dentist will use a protective gel on the gums and the bleach will be applied to the teeth. The process will help to whiten the teeth effectively. At-home bleaching kits can also be purchased but are not recommended. These kits should be discussed with your dentist to see what will work best for your teeth.

Overall, it is important to use only quality bleaching options when trying to whiten teeth. Your dentist will be able to provide you with the right option for a bright, white smile. Many bleaching kits are not ideal for certain patients and your dentist can help you determine if a toothpaste or kit will be effective or if an in-office bleaching treatment will be the best option.

Be wary of cheap kits and toothpaste! Take into account what a professional dentist such as Dr. Rashmi Patel says to use, for the best, safest option for creating a whiter smile.



Dr. Rashmi Patel
Dr. Rashmi Patel, Dentistry

Dr. Rashmi Patel received his dental training at the University of Washington graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry.