Understanding Cosmetic Fillings

Dental Cosmetic fillings can make it appear as if no treatment was provided. Dr. Rashmi Patel offers cosmetic fillings to ensure his patients look their very best, and feel comfortable with their smile.

Dr. Rashmi Patel
Dr. Rashmi Patel, Dentistry
3 min readJan 11, 2018


The term filling is used in the dental world to explain how a treatment is provided to restore a damaged tooth or fill in where tooth decay was present. The most common form of filling for the teeth is the silver amalgam filling. However, this option is not the most attractive.

What is a Cosmetic Filling?

A filling involves a dental procedure where a material is used to treat a decayed portion of a tooth. In the past, silver amalgam was a patient’s only option. The material would be placed into the tooth where the damage was, to help stop any further spreading of decay, repairing any damage done.

This process is used to prevent the need for a tooth extraction as well as stop the decay from spreading. If decay is allowed to spread, it can lead to an infection known as an abscess.

Today, a composite white filling can be used, also known as a cosmetic filling. This filling material is created from acrylic resin and glass with a white color. This material is used to match the color of the tooth to make your smile more aesthetically pleasing. With a cosmetic filling, your teeth remain white in color, instead of the silver filling standing out within your smile.

Dentist Rashmi Patel: Advantages of Cosmetic Fillings

When it comes to cosmetic fillings, they have more advantages than just being visually appealing. The filling type is created from strong material and can last for ten years or longer. This means that your tooth will be healthy for many years to come after Dr. Rashmi Patel completes a cosmetic filling for you. The natural color of the material will also match well to your teeth color, so it blends in nicely.

Patients have also been leery of silver amalgam fillings for some time now as the materials used can consist of mercury. Mercury is not good for the body and many patients have switched to composite fillings because of this.

How is the Filling Placed?

If you need a filling, dentists like Dr. Rashmi Patel can provide a cosmetic filling, matching your teeth color and avoiding the use of silver amalgam.

The affected tooth will be drilled with a small hole added for the filling. The cosmetic filling material will then be packed into the tooth via the small hole. With a composite filling, the tooth will be polished to ensure the tooth looks white and clean, fitting well among your other teeth.

If you are in need of fillings, discuss your composite options with your dentist. You will soon find that this is a nice alternative when you need filling work completed and your smile can remain the same! By learning more about the filling type, you can feel better about this treatment option for filling appointment needs.



Dr. Rashmi Patel
Dr. Rashmi Patel, Dentistry

Dr. Rashmi Patel received his dental training at the University of Washington graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry.