How My Medium Article Ranked #1 on Google (Proof Inside)

Achieving the Top Spot on Google: My Simple Strategy with Proof

Atif Sharif
Doctor of  SEO
3 min readJan 7, 2024


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How My Medium Article Ranked #1 on Google
image made with Canva by Atif Sharif

Achieving the #1 ranking on Google for my Medium article was a journey that involved strategic steps and a focus on key elements.

Here’s a breakdown of how it happened:

Medium SEO #1
image by Atif Sharif

Keyword Research

I began by conducting thorough keyword research to identify relevant and high-volume search terms.

This helped me understand what my target audience was searching for.

I use the Ahrefs SEO tool to research keywords. I enter the URL into the site explorer to find the keywords on which Medium is ranked in Google.

I pick the top-ranked keyword for testing purpose with a search volume of 8.9k and a keyword difficulty (KD) of 38, and I use that keyword for the title.

I create the article with proper on-page SEO and publish it in my own Medium publication.

Medium SEO #1
image by Atif Sharif

After 3 or 4 days, it achieved the #1 featured snippet in Google and gained 3,299 traffic from the USA, as you can observe in the above image.

I am amazed to see these results; it’s all because Medium has a very high domain authority, making it possible to rank for any keyword with less effort.

Compelling Title and Meta Description

Crafting an attention-grabbing title and meta description was crucial.

I made sure it accurately reflected the content, included the target keyword, and enticed users to click.

Quality Content

The core of my strategy was creating high-quality, informative content.

I focused on addressing the user’s intent, providing valuable insights, and ensuring the article was well-written and engaging.

On-Page SEO

I optimized the on-page elements, including headers, subheadings, and image alt text, to make the content more readable for both users and search engines.

This included strategically placing the target keyword.

Promotion on Social Media

I leveraged social media platforms (Facebook Mostly) to promote my article.

This not only drove traffic directly but also signaled to Google that the content was being shared and appreciated.

Final Thoughts

By combining these strategies and consistently delivering valuable content, my Medium article gradually climbed the Google rankings, ultimately reaching the coveted #1 spot.

SEO & PPC Expert, Content Writer. Helping companies attract potential customers through organic search results. Contact me:

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Atif Sharif
Doctor of  SEO

SEO & PPC Expert, Content Writer. Helping companies attract potential customers through organic search results. Contact me: