How To Generate A Sale Every Day on Gumroad ( No one tells you)

Write High Convertible, Attention Grabbing ,Gumroad Sales Page

Atif Sharif
Doctor of  SEO
5 min readOct 26, 2023


How To Generate A Sale Every Day on Gumroad
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If you’re an ebook author on Gumroad, you’ve probably realized that getting your masterpiece noticed isn’t as easy as hitting the “publish” button.

I am here to help you, and in this blog, we’ll show you how to make more people discover your Gumroad ebook sales page by using keywords. Think of it like a detective adventure!

1. Understand Your Audience

Imagine you’re writing a letter to a friend. You need to know what they care about. Your audience is your friend here.

Know them inside out. What words or phrases would they use to find an ebook like yours?

2. Brainstorm Your Ebook’s Topics

Take a moment to jot down all the topics, themes, and subjects your ebook covers. Make a list, no matter how long or short. This will be your starting point.

Pro Tip: You can use Gumroad Discover to find out what topics your competitors choose for their books and repeat the same process.

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3. Use the Power of Tools

Keywords don’t have to be a mystery. Tools like Google’s Keyword Planner and free options like Ubersuggest can help you uncover keywords related to your ebook.

These tools provide valuable insights into what people are searching for.

You can use paid tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, or Mangools to discover long-tail, easy-to-rank keywords, as shown in the example below:

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As you can see, when I put the Gumroad website in Ahrefs’ site explorer, it reveals that 226,098 keywords rank in Google.

By using the right long-tail keywords for your ebook, your chances of attracting organic traffic and making sales increase significantly.

4. Start with Seed Keywords

Begin by entering your list of topics and themes as “seed” keywords into the research tool.

This magical tool will generate more keywords related to your seed keywords.

You can also get help from ChatGPT to discover some long-tail keywords related to your topic.

For example, if your topic is ‘making money online’ you can use the following prompt.

Find some long-tail keywords that I can use for writing a Gumroad ebook to rank higher in Google on the topic of 'making money online.

If you use a paid tool like Ahrefs, click on the keyword explorer, enter your keywords, select your country from the dropdown menu, and hit enter, as shown in the example below.

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Next, click on ‘Matching Terms.’ You will see data similar to the screenshot below, which represents seed keywords.

Now, we can use this tool to find low-competition keywords.

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Enter 0 in KD (Keyword Difficulty) and hit apply, Why KD 0 because zero value means the less difficulty to compete this keyword and better chances to rank higher.

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Next, click on the ‘Lowest DR’ menu and enter ‘20’ in the box, then select ‘In Top 5.’ We choose ‘lowest DR’ because DR stands for ‘domain rating.’ If there are low-rated domains ranking for these keywords, our chances of outranking them are higher.

Then click ‘Apply.’ You can also explore other options to gather more insights from this tool, but if you’re short on time, you can move on to the next step.

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Next, click on “Show Results.”

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As you can sell below that we found only 5 keywords from thousands of keywords and yes the keyword volume is low but your chances are high in google in less time and getting sales from Gumroad.

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You can choose a KD (Keyword Difficulty) of 1, 2, or even higher, and select a DR (Domain Rating) of more than 20 to discover more valuable keywords for your Gumroad Sale Page’s title and description.

5. Analyze the Data

Don’t stress about all the keywords. Find the ones that are both popular but not too competitive. Those are the valuable ones.

6. Long-Tail Keywords Are Your Friends

Sometimes, it’s better to be specific. Long-tail keywords are like secret passages to your ebook.

They are longer, more specific phrases that can attract the right audience.

For instance, if your ebook is about “Healthy Vegan Recipes,” long-tail keywords like “Quick Vegan Breakfast Recipes” or “Low-Calorie Vegan Dinners” can be your magic words.

7. Spy on the Competition

It’s okay to be a little nosy when it comes to your competition. Check out what keywords they are using. This can give you valuable insights.

8. Think About User Intent

Keywords aren’t just words; they carry intent. What is the person searching for? Is it information, a product, or advice? Your keywords should match what people want.

9. Local Flavors

If your ebook is targeting a specific location, don’t forget location-specific keywords. They can connect you with a local audience.

10. Implement Your Keywords

Once you’ve got your keywords, put them to work. Use them in your Gumroad ebook listing, titles, descriptions, tags, and promotional content.

As I use keyword in title and in description of the ebook and the long tail keyword is used “ How to Flip Websites for Profit”

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You can also use the Google keyword suggestion tool to discover additional keyword ideas. Just enter a keyword, and it will provide more data that these paid tools may not offer.

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11. Keep an Eye on Things

SEO is an ongoing adventure. Regularly check how your chosen keywords are performing. Be ready to make changes based on shifts in search trends.

Now that you have the keyword research puzzle pieces, start optimizing your Gumroad ebook’s visibility. Remember, good content is key. Make sure your ebook is packed with quality information, and your readers will keep coming back for more. Happy publishing!

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Atif Sharif
Doctor of  SEO

SEO & PPC Expert, Content Writer. Helping companies attract potential customers through organic search results. Contact me: