How to Use Guest Post Link Building?

Unlocking the Power of Guest Post Link Building: A Simple Guide

Atif Sharif
Doctor of  SEO
5 min readNov 14, 2023


How to Use Guest Post Link Building?
image by Atif Sharif

Guest post link building is a strategy in which you create content for another website in your niche and include a link back to your own site within the content.

This method can be an effective way to build backlinks, increase your website’s authority, and drive traffic to your site.

Here’s a breakdown of how to use guest post link building effectively:

Explanation of Guest Post Backlinks

Think of guest post backlinks as digital partnerships. You contribute valuable content to another website in your niche, and in return, they provide a link back to your site.

It’s a symbiotic relationship where you share your knowledge with a new audience and gain a link that enhances your website’s credibility.

Example: Suppose you run a photography blog. Write a guest post for a popular photography website, sharing tips on capturing breathtaking landscapes. Include a link back to your blog. Readers on the photography website, drawn in by your insights, can easily explore more of your work through the provided link.

Benefits and Uses of Guest Post Backlinks

1. Backlink Building

Quality backlinks act as digital endorsements.

When reputable sites link to your content, search engines perceive your site as more trustworthy, leading to improved search engine rankings.

Example: If your photography blog gets a backlink from a renowned photography equipment review site, search engines recognize the connection and boost the visibility of your blog in relevant searches.

2. Increased Authority

By sharing valuable content on well-known sites, you position yourself as an expert in your field.

People are more likely to trust and follow someone who consistently provides valuable insights.

Example: Contributing an in-depth guide on advanced photography techniques to a popular photography education site showcases your expertise, solidifying your authority in the eyes of readers.

3. Traffic Generation

The links in your guest posts act as gateways for new visitors to find your site. This not only boosts your traffic but also exposes your content to a broader audience.

Example: Your guest post on a photography inspiration blog might attract readers who are interested in your unique photography style, leading to increased traffic to your blog.

4. Networking Opportunities

Guest posting creates avenues for collaboration. Connecting with other bloggers and influencers in your niche can result in exciting partnerships and growth opportunities.

Example: Establishing a relationship with a fellow photographer through guest posting may lead to joint projects, such as hosting webinars or co-authoring content for mutual benefit.

Controlling Anchor Text Velocity and Power

1. Diversify Anchor Text

Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink. Using various anchor texts maintains a natural feel and avoids the appearance of manipulating search results.

Example: Instead of always using your blog name as the anchor text, mix it up by using descriptive phrases like “essential photography tips” or “capturing stunning landscapes.”

2. Balanced Distribution

Strategically spread your anchor texts. Use a mix of branded terms (your website name), exact match terms (keywords), and partial match terms to maintain a balanced and organic link profile.

Example: If your blog focuses on both portrait and landscape photography, ensure your anchor texts reflect this diversity to appeal to a broader audience.

3. Monitor Velocity

Backlinks, like a fine wine, should accrue naturally. Monitoring the speed at which you gain backlinks helps ensure a healthy and organic link profile.

Example: Instead of acquiring a sudden surge of backlinks in a short period, aim for a steady and gradual increase to avoid raising search engine suspicions.

Utilizing Guest Posting Services

1. Research Services

Before diving in, research guest posting services renowned for connecting users with relevant and reputable websites. Not all services are equal, so choose wisely.

Example: Choose a guest posting service that specializes in photography-related content, ensuring your guest posts align with your niche and target audience.

2. Quality Assurance

Ensure that any guest posting service prioritizes high-quality opportunities and adheres to ethical practices. Quality should always take precedence over quantity.

Example: Verify that the guest posting service has a screening process to match your content with reputable sites, ensuring your brand is associated with quality.

Guest Posting Tips

1. Research Host Sites

Choose websites with solid reputations and audiences that align with your target demographic. For our photography blogger, opting for photography enthusiast sites with an engaged readership is key.

Example: Opt for a photography community website where members actively discuss and appreciate various photography styles, ensuring your content resonates with the audience.

2. Follow Guidelines

Each host site has its own rules. Adhering strictly to these guidelines when submitting your guest post ensures a smoother process and increases your chances of acceptance.

Example: If a photography blog specifies a preferred image format or suggests including a short bio, adhere to these guidelines for a seamless submission process.

3. Build Relationships

Guest posting is about more than links; it’s about people. Forge connections with editors and site owners. This can lead to more opportunities and collaborations in the future.

Example: Engage in conversations with the editors of the sites where you contribute. Offer insights, share their content, and build a rapport for potential future collaborations.

4. Be Genuine and Valuable

Your guest post shouldn’t feel like a sales pitch. Focus on delivering content that genuinely helps the audience. This approach not only improves your chances of acceptance but also enhances your reputation.

Example: Instead of promoting your photography services directly, share a comprehensive guide on selecting the right camera gear, showcasing your expertise without a hard sell.

5. Monitor Results

After your guest posts go live, track how they perform. Understand their impact on your website’s traffic and search engine rankings. This data helps refine your strategy for future guest posts.

Example: If a guest post on a popular photography blog results in a significant traffic boost, analyze the post’s content and replicate elements that resonate with your audience.

In essence, successful guest posting is about building relationships and providing substantial value. It’s a give-and-take scenario where you share your knowledge, help others, and, in turn, strengthen your online presence. Remember, the internet is a vast community, and by contributing positively, you become an integral part of it.

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Atif Sharif
Doctor of  SEO

SEO & PPC Expert, Content Writer. Helping companies attract potential customers through organic search results. Contact me: