Link Building for Local SEO: 6 Easy Ways to Get Backlinks

Boost Your Local Presence with Smart Link Building Strategies

Atif Sharif
Doctor of  SEO
3 min readNov 5, 2023


Link Building for Local SEO
Photo by JJ Ying on Unsplash

In the world of SEO, link building is a vital tool to improve your website’s visibility and rank higher in search results. For local businesses, this means getting backlinks from websites in your local area or industry.

Let’s explore six simple strategies for effective local link building.

1. Difference between local and general link building

First, it’s essential to understand the distinction between local and general link building. Local link building focuses on obtaining links from websites that are relevant to your location or industry. General link building, on the other hand, doesn’t have this geographical or niche-specific emphasis.

Example: If you run a local bakery, a link from a food blog in your city is a local link, while a link from a general food website is not.

2. Join your local chamber of commerce

Your local chamber of commerce can be a goldmine for local backlinks. By becoming a member, you often get a profile on their website, including a link to your business. This association with a trusted local organization can boost your online credibility.

Example: Sarah, a real estate agent, joined her town’s chamber of commerce. Her profile on their website includes a link to her real estate website, helping her gain local visibility.

3. Join niche-relevant business associations

In addition to your local chamber of commerce, look for industry-specific associations or organizations. They often provide opportunities for members to link to their websites, giving your business a local SEO advantage.

Example: If you’re a pet groomer, joining a local pet groomers’ association can lead to backlinks from their website, helping potential customers find you easily.

4. Build links from local resource pages

Many local websites maintain resource pages with lists of local businesses. Reach out to these website owners and request to be included. It’s a win-win situation as their visitors can discover your services, and you get a valuable backlink.

Example: A local tourism blog has a “Recommended Services” page, and they add a link to a nearby bed-and-breakfast inn, driving more local guests to the inn’s site.

5. Guest post on local websites

Guest posting is a fantastic way to get local backlinks while showcasing your expertise. Write informative articles for local blogs, and include a link back to your website in your author bio.

Example: A fitness trainer writes a guest post for a local health blog, providing workout tips and including a link to their fitness studio.

6. Get featured on local list posts

Local websites often create list posts such as “Top 10 Restaurants in [Your City].” Reach out to these website owners, suggest your business, and explain why you should be included in their list.

Example: A local travel website features a “Best Coffee Shops in Town” list, and a coffee shop owner successfully convinces them to add their shop, gaining valuable exposure.

7. Look at your top organic competitors’ backlinks

An extra tip: Examine the backlinks of your top-performing competitors in local search results. Identify the websites linking to them and reach out to these websites, explaining why they should link to your business as well.

By implementing these strategies and tailoring them to your specific locality and industry, you can strengthen your local SEO efforts and attract more potential customers to your local business.

SEO & PPC Expert, Content Writer. Helping companies attract potential customers through organic search results. Contact me:



Atif Sharif
Doctor of  SEO

SEO & PPC Expert, Content Writer. Helping companies attract potential customers through organic search results. Contact me: