What Are The Best Anchor Text Ratios for SEO? — A Comprehensive Guide

Optimizing Anchor Text Ratios: A Guide to the Best Practices for SEO Success

Atif Sharif
Doctor of  SEO
6 min readOct 27, 2023


What Are The Best Anchor Text Ratios for SEO
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Anchor text ratio means how different types of words or phrases are used in the links that point to your website.

In this blog, we’ll explain the various types of anchor text and why it’s important to have a good balance for better SEO.

If most of the links pointing to your website use your brand name or web address, that’s a good sign.

For example, if your brand is SEONY, then most links should have anchor text like “SEOny” or “seony.com.”

On the other hand, links in blog posts might have a mix of keyword-related and non-keyword anchor texts.

The key thing to remember is that having too many unnatural links can hurt your SEO. So, it’s crucial to get the right balance.

Getting the balance right can greatly improve your chances of ranking high on Google.

Here’s what Google’s John Mueller says:

Now, let’s talk about why mixing your anchor text is important.

If your anchor text ratio looks unnatural, it can be tough to get a higher ranking in search results.

So, it’s essential to pay attention to it as you create new links to your website.

Backlinks are so important in SEO that you don’t want to harm your SEO efforts by creating links in a way that seems unnatural.

Many SEO experts want to include lots of keywords in anchor texts to try to get a website to the top spot on Google.

While targeting keywords in anchor text isn’t a bad idea, it should be done strategically. Exact keyword phrases should be used less often in your backlink profile.

Here’s another tweet from John, where he talks about how important anchor text is:

1. Understanding Anchor Text::

Anchor text is the clickable text within a hyperlink, serving both as a user guide and a valuable source of information for search engines. It comes in various forms:

  • Exact Match Anchor Text: Uses the precise target keyword, e.g., “best SEO practices.”
  • Partial Match Anchor Text: Includes variations of the target keyword, such as “effective SEO strategies.”
  • Branded Anchor Text: Incorporates your brand name, like “OpenAI’s services.”
  • Naked URLs: Utilizes the URL itself, like “https://www.example.com."

2. Why Anchor Text Ratios Matter:

Anchor text ratios offer critical insights into how search engines assess the authenticity and relevance of your content.

Achieving a well-rounded anchor text profile can significantly impact your SEO strategy by:

  • Enhancing Credibility: A diverse anchor text profile indicates natural linking, fostering trust with search engines.
  • Improving Relevance: Proper ratios enable search engines to better understand the content of linked pages.
  • Avoiding Penalties: Overuse of exact match anchor text can lead to ranking penalties, emphasizing the importance of balanced ratios.

3. Ideal Anchor Text Ratios in Sequence:

To optimize your anchor text ratios effectively, consider the following distribution:

  • Branded Anchor Text: Begin with 30–40%.
  • Partial Match Anchor Text: Allocate around 15–20%.
  • Naked URLs: Dedicate 20–30%.
  • Exact Match Anchor Text: Limit this to a minimal 5%.

4. Real-Life Examples:

Let’s explore twenty real-life scenarios, including examples from popular websites:

Medium.com Article (GuestPostTips): If you have a guest post on Medium.com about digital marketing:

  • Branded: 40% — “GuestPostTips on Medium.com.”
  • Partial Match: 20% — “effective digital marketing strategies.”
  • Naked URLs: 25% — “https://medium.com/guestposttips/digital-marketing."
  • Exact Match: 5% — “best online marketing practices.”

Tech Blog Post (TechWorld): If you operate a tech blog and write a post on smartphone reviews, your anchor text ratios could look like this:

  • Branded: 40% — “TechWorld’s smartphone reviews.”
  • Partial Match: 20% — “top-rated Android phones.”
  • Naked URLs: 25% — “https://www.techworld.com/smartphones."
  • Exact Match: 5% — “best smartphone reviews.”

E-commerce Website (CameraHeaven): For an e-commerce site selling cameras:

  • Branded: 35% — “CameraHeaven’s latest models.”
  • Partial Match: 15% — “professional DSLR camera deals.”
  • Naked URLs: 30% — “https://www.cameraheaven.com/cameras."
  • Exact Match: 5% — “best digital camera discounts.”

Travel Blog (Wanderlust Adventures): Suppose you run a travel blog:

SaaS Company (ProjectPro): For a SaaS company promoting project management tools:

  • Branded: 33% — “ProjectPro SaaS solutions.”
  • Partial Match: 22% — “efficient project management software.”
  • Naked URLs: 23% — “https://www.projectpro.com/products."
  • Exact Match: 5% — “best project management tools.”

Health and Fitness Blog (HealthyLife): For a health and fitness blog:

  • Branded: 36% — “HealthyLife’s weight loss tips.”
  • Partial Match: 16% — “effective weight loss strategies.”
  • Naked URLs: 28% — “https://www.healthylife.com/weightloss."
  • Exact Match: 5% — “best weight loss exercises.”

Legal Firm Website (InjuryLaw Experts): For a legal firm specializing in personal injury cases:

  • Branded: 40% — “InjuryLaw Experts’ legal services.”
  • Partial Match: 20% — “experienced personal injury lawyers.”
  • Naked URLs: 25% — “https://www.injurylawexperts.com/contact."
  • Exact Match: 5% — “best personal injury attorneys.”

Cooking Blog (TasteDelight): In a cooking blog:

  • Branded: 37% — “TasteDelight’s delicious recipes.”
  • Partial Match: 19% — “easy homemade pasta dishes.”
  • Naked URLs: 26% — “https://www.tastedelight.com/recipes."
  • Exact Match: 5% — “best lasagna recipe.”

Fashion Retailer (StyleTrends): For a fashion retailer:

  • Branded: 39% — “StyleTrends’ latest fashion collections.”
  • Partial Match: 17% — “trendy summer clothing.”
  • Naked URLs: 24% — “https://www.styletrends.com/new-arrivals."
  • Exact Match: 5% — “best winter fashion deals.”

Amazon Affiliate Blog: If you have an Amazon affiliate blog focused on product reviews:

  • Branded: 35% — “AmazonAffiliateBlog’s product reviews.”
  • Partial Match: 18% — “in-depth product analysis.”
  • Naked URLs: 27% — “https://www.amazonaffiliateblog.com/reviews."
  • Exact Match: 5% — “best Amazon products to buy.”

Educational Website (LearnSmart): For an educational website offering online courses:

  • Branded: 35% — “LearnSmart’s online courses.”
  • Partial Match: 18% — “comprehensive e-learning programs.”
  • Naked URLs: 27% — “https://www.learnsmart.com/courses."
  • Exact Match: 5% — “top online education providers.”

Real Estate Blog (RealEstateInsights): In a blog about real estate:

  • Branded: 36% — “RealEstateInsights’ property tips.”
  • Partial Match: 19% — “smart real estate investments.”
  • Naked URLs: 26% — “https://www.realestateinsights.com/advice."
  • Exact Match: 5% — “best real estate opportunities.”

Environmental Nonprofit (EcoAlliance): For an environmental nonprofit:

  • Branded: 38% — “EcoAlliance’s conservation efforts.”
  • Partial Match: 17% — “sustainable environmental projects.”
  • Naked URLs: 27% — “https://www.ecoalliance.org/impact."
  • Exact Match: 5% — “top eco-friendly initiatives.”

Personal Finance Blog (MoneyMatters): In a blog about personal finance:

  • Branded: 40% — “MoneyMatters’ financial advice.”
  • Partial Match: 15% — “smart investment strategies.”
  • Naked URLs: 25% — “https://www.moneymatters.com/finances."
  • Exact Match: 5% — “best money-saving tips.”

Technology Review Site (TechInsider): For a tech review website:

  • Branded: 39% — “TechInsider’s tech product reviews.”
  • Partial Match: 16% — “latest gadget innovations.”
  • Naked URLs: 24% — “https://www.techinsider.com/reviews."
  • Exact Match: 5% — “top tech gadgets for 2023.”

Auto Blog (AutoEnthusiast): In a blog focused on automobiles:

  • Branded: 38% — “AutoEnthusiast’s car news.”
  • Partial Match: 17% — “high-performance vehicle reviews.”
  • Naked URLs: 26% — “https://www.autoenthusiast.com/cars."
  • Exact Match: 5% — “best hybrid cars of the year.”

Artistic Portfolio (CreativeVisions): For an artist’s portfolio website:

  • Branded: 36% — “CreativeVisions’ art collections.”
  • Partial Match: 18% — “expressive art creations.”
  • Naked URLs: 27% — “https://www.creativevisions.com/gallery."
  • Exact Match: 5% — “top contemporary artists.”

News Website (NewsNow): In a news website:

  • Branded: 39% — “NewsNow’s breaking news.”
  • Partial Match: 16% — “latest global events.”
  • Naked URLs: 25% — “https://www.newsnow.com/headlines."
  • Exact Match: 5% — “best investigative journalism.”

Fitness App (FitTrack): For a fitness app offering workout plans:

  • Branded: 37% — “FitTrack’s fitness programs.”
  • Partial Match: 19% — “personalized workout routines.”
  • Naked URLs: 24% — “https://www.fittrack.com/workouts."
  • Exact Match: 5% — “top fitness apps of 2023.”

Local SEO Example (LocalBuzz): If you’re optimizing a local business for SEO:

  • Branded: 32% — “LocalBuzz’s local services.”
  • Partial Match: 21% — “top-rated local businesses.”
  • Naked URLs: 22% — “https://www.localbuzz.com/services."
  • Exact Match: 5% — “best local SEO tips.”

5. How to Achieve Optimal Ratios:

To attain ideal anchor text ratios:

  • Diversify Anchor Text: Use a combination of target keywords, brand mentions, and URLs.
  • Maintain Contextual Relevance: Ensure that the anchor text fits naturally within the content.
  • Utilize Synonyms: Incorporate synonyms and related terms to prevent repetitive anchor text.
  • Regular Monitoring and Adjustments: Periodically audit and adjust your anchor text profile based on your evolving SEO strategy and algorithm changes.

6. The Power of Context:

Context is paramount. Ensure that the anchor text seamlessly integrates within the content.

For example, if your article discusses “smartphone technology,” it’s more appropriate to use “best smartphone technology” as an anchor text.

7. Tools for Anchor Text Analysis:

Various SEO tools, such as Ahrefs, Moz, SEMrush, and Google Search Console, can assist you in analyzing your anchor text profile and making informed adjustments to improve your SEO strategy.

8. Conclusion:

In the dynamic field of SEO, understanding and optimizing anchor text ratios is a critical facet of your digital marketing strategy. Achieving a balanced and contextual anchor text profile can significantly impact your website’s search engine rankings, driving increased organic traffic. Staying current with best practices and adapting to algorithm changes is essential for long-term success in the ever-evolving SEO landscape.

SEO Expert. Content writer. Helping companies attract potential customers through organic search results. Work with me? atifseoagency@gmail.com



Atif Sharif
Doctor of  SEO

SEO & PPC Expert, Content Writer. Helping companies attract potential customers through organic search results. Contact me: https://direct.me/atifsharif