Tree Chickens

I wrote a Dr Seuss inspired poem about eggs and tree chickens.

Naeem Alvi
Dr Seuss-like poems
2 min readMar 2, 2015


The Guardian newspaper recently announced a brand new Dr Seuss book is going to be released. I’ve always been a fan of Dr Seuss (or Theodor Geisel as his birth certificate states) and his incredible rambling poetry and penchant for the absurd. In light of his upcoming book, a friend challenged me to write my own Dr Seuss poem. I wrote it about eggs.

Eggs? Yes, I love eggs,

I’ll have all the types please.

All the types? Are you mad?

Eggs don’t grow on trees.

Well, we’ll need more chickens,

More chickens and more trees!

Ok, I’ll have a little look

How you would like them cooked?

I’ll have poached, scrambled and fried

With some boiled eggs on the side,

Not eggs three ways but eggs all ways,

Enough to eat for days!

Right, I’ve found the chickens,

I’ve put them in the trees,

Now we’ll just have to wait,

Tree chickens tend to do as they please!

One day, one week, one month passed,

But the eggs they did not fall,

My dear sir, what’s the hold up?

Wait, they’re not even chickens at all!

With so many eggs on his mind,

The man had grabbed what he could find.

In fact, he went a little bit crazy,

And that’s why squirrels now live in trees.

Fancy having a go at your own Dr Seuss-like poem? Obviously, you can write about anything you like, not just eggs and tree chickens. If you like, tweet me and I’ll make you an invited writer for the Dr Seuss-like poem group so we can all relish in the absurdity together.



Naeem Alvi
Dr Seuss-like poems

Writer, likes eggs. Features Editor @_TheQuarterly | Copywriter and brand strategist @orbstudio