Little Hands And Big Ears: The Inspiring Journey of a Visually Impaired Father With Love And Dreams

視無限Isaac Kwong, Christian, Life Coach
DR Success
Published in
6 min readJun 27, 2024


Seeing With My Heart

Since Dec2023, I have become a father. Due to visual impairment, I am only able to see blurred images With my 10% vision. My field of vision has narrowed and I need to be close to my son’s face to look at different parts of his face at a time – eyes, nose, ears……. and then piece the images together in my mind. His nose is a bit flat, very much like mine, but unfortunately, I don’t like my flat nose. Ha ha!!

I can hardly take care the baby in daily life, such as changing diapers and clipping the baby’s nails. However, as a parent coach, I am determined to become a father who is always present for my son and actively listen to him.

I believe that being a good father has nothing to deal with my eyesight. From another perspective, the limitations of eyesight can even be an advantage. When I can’t see, I will have fewer assumptions and judgments, then I will be more focused on listening. Moreover, I will have an opened mind and think from different point of view, which enable me to understand my son better.

Love But No Action

I was born with myopia of 7.0 diopters, diagnosed with glaucoma when I was in secondary two, from 1998 to 2008, I have undergone around…



視無限Isaac Kwong, Christian, Life Coach
DR Success

訊息 Career Coach/ Writer/ Visually Impaired/ NLPPractitioner Certified coach If you like articles about personal growth, please follow and subscribe