Adjusted 2020 Census Data: Reallocating for Incarcerated Persons

David R for DRA
Dave’s Redistricting
2 min readSep 3, 2021

A number of states have passed legislation to adjust census data to reflect the last known address of incarcerated persons. For more background on this topic see the Prison Policy Initiative: Prison Gerrymandering Project.

Dave’s Redistricting will present Adjusted Data for the eleven states that will use these data for Congressional and/or Legislative maps in the current redistricting cycle. Those states are CA, CO, CT, DE, MD, NJ, NV, NY, PA, VA, and WA.

When you create a Congressional or Legislative map in a state where Adjusted Data is required for the category of map, the default in Data Selector for Census: Latest Total Population is “Total Pop (Adj) 2020.”

Adjusted Data is also the default for all COI Maps in the 11 states. Non-Adjusted Data is the default for all Local Maps. We recognize this might be a bit confusing, but we are doing are best to navigate a set of inconsistent requirements between and among the 11 states. So, some REALLY IMPORTANT things to keep in mind:

  • SOME states are requiring Adjusted Data for SOME local maps. In these scenarios, you will need to manually select Total Pop (Adj) 2020.
  • Be sure to check your state’s legislative website or commission website for map requirements. We are aware that some states may not accept a map submission if that map incorporates an inappropriate data set. A very useful reference resource is available from the Prison Policy Initiative. Also see About Data and DRA 2020 State Pages for more information.
  • It is not clear whether any state publishing Adjusted Data will adjust any data other than Total Population. Thus, it may be the case that Voting Age Population IS NOT adjusted, even when Total Population is adjusted.
  • Adjusted Data will not appear as an option in DRA 2020 for the other 39 states and DC.

