Managing Colors

Alec Ramsay
Dave’s Redistricting
2 min readDec 16, 2021

You’ve always been able to manually change an individual district’s color in Map Settings. Now we’ve added rich support for alternate palettes for district colors as well demographic and partisan coloring including several CVD-friendly choices.

Arizona congressional map with Jet color palette

Choosing District Colors When Creating a New Map

When you create a new map, we now default to new Jet palette. There is also a Change Palette button in Map Settings. When you click on it, you get the District Colors Palette dialog.

You can choose one of eight other palettes — including the previous default colors (“Classic”) — to change the district colors for the current map. The Viridis, Magma, Plasma, Inferno, and Bone palettes are CVD-friendly.

You can also change the default district colors for new maps, by checking the checkbox at the bottom of the dialog.

Changing District Colors Only in the Current Map

You can change the district colors for a map that has already been created, by clicking on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the map and then clicking on the Change Palette button in Map Settings and following the steps above.

Managing Colors

You can manage your color choices overall, using the new Change Palettes button in the Colors panel on the left. When you click on it, it brings up the Default Palettes dialog.

For each of the four types of coloring you can choose one of the nine color palette options shown above. The Classic colors that we have been using are the default for each option for the first three; for District Colors it is Jet.

Your choices for the demographic and partisan lean scales become the default way you view all maps. Your choice for district colors is the default for all your new maps (i.e., same as checking the “Apply color palette to all new maps” checkbox when creating a new map).



Alec Ramsay
Dave’s Redistricting

I synthesize large complex domains into easy-to-understand conceptual frameworks: I create simple maps of complex territories.