|Lore| Dynamus Identity

Fellipe Eugenio
Published in
Jun 9, 2022

Those who manifest Dynamus magic are the easiest to spot in their moments of magical expression during puberty. Dynamus mostly behave in a similar way, showing extreme fondness for something, from plants to animals, clouds or buildings. They are usually fond of things that in the future will represent their element of greatest dominance.

When they are young, Dynamus hates it when things don’t go according to the usual, and in a moment of great change or surprise they get extremely stressed, and this is when they can express their magic for the first time, and are soon identified. In this moment of stress they end up unintentionally manipulating their domain element in a supernatural way, and their interference in that phenomenon is clear.

Dynamus Fire Bolt

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Fellipe Eugenio
Writer for

Game Designer & Storyteller exploring the blockchain universe.