|Lore| The Bloodbath

Fellipe Eugenio
Published in
2 min readApr 14, 2022

[Stories — Bloodborn 3/3]

There was no peace in Lumnia anymore, Bloodborn rebels started organizing movements against the Divines’ impositions. The Rebels had their own headquarters, it was a bunker far below the mountains where no one could imagine that hundreds of Bloodborn got together to discuss the next moves against the Divines.

After years of conflict and rebellion the Dvines took a step further and imposed several strict rules over the people of Lumnia. From this move the rebels started to weaken by the fear, this was the moment they realized the need of a solid leadership, a commander for the rebellion, so they elected Dave-Faiden as the leader.

Dave-Faiden didn’t have a good past relation with the Divines, he grew an overwhelming hate from what the Divines did to his life, he is eager for revenge. The rage that motivates Dave-Faiden made him build up the rebels with hunger for freedom. All of that led to the final move from the Rebellion, this move was called “The Bloodbath”. To vanish any Divine’s influence over Lumnia was the single goal of the Bloodbath. The Bloodborn strategies were made upon a retrospective of their being and the story of the Predonum since the genesis of the species.

To achieve their goal of “all or nothing”, the Bloodborn rebels came up with a strategie so the Divines will not have any reasons to continue their mission over Lumnia, if there was no reason for creating order and peace, so let all that be destroyed. The Bloodbath consisted in the slaughter of all living beings in Lumnia, this way all creation and order would be replaced by chaos and the will for survival. The rebels had strategically built a giant reservoir under the bunkers to store all the blood they could from killing other creatures, this way they could survive for centuries only by feeding on the stored blood.

It was not an easy move to make, killing innocent species and destroying centuries of creation, but their will for freedom already became their only reason to live.

Lumnia after The Bloodbath

Lumnia, the realm of plenty, is now a red desert covered in coagulated blood, the Bloodborn are free now, living at their bunkers below the mountains.



Fellipe Eugenio
Writer for

Game Designer & Storyteller exploring the blockchain universe.