Weekly Technical Progress Update #24, Mar 16 Writen Mar 16, 2022 by The Dracards Team

Lucas Alsberg
Published in
2 min readMar 16, 2022

During the last week, the developers team together with our blockchain expert finished the development of the snapshot services, which will be used to capture the epochs of the Cardano network, loading the wallet information in our Database.

Implemented and in testing phase, our software engineers work on the functionality of staking for liquidity providers.
Thus, those who contribute by providing liquidity in one of our pools, currently in SundaeSwap and Minswap.
They will be rewarded with FIRE for each epoch, in proportion to the percentage of liquidity they have in the pools.

Our illustration and development team has already prepared the images that will represent the season one booster packs.

Our game design team started creating the cards for the second set, balancing, playtests and game mechanics.

The software engineering and front-end teams continue to work together to validate the login functionality with wallet, purchase and opening of booster packs on testnet, getting the last details right before launch.



Lucas Alsberg

Software Engineer / NFT enthusiastic and Dracards Co-founder.