Weekly Technical Progress Update #29, Jun 01 Writen Jun 01, 2022 by The Dracards Team

Lucas Alsberg
Published in
Jun 1, 2022

During the last week the software development team started testing Mint on the Cardano Main net.
Our front-end developers have finished building the Mint interface, where it will be possible to mint multiple cards in a single transaction.

Reforge functionality is also being developed, where collectors will have the option to burn their cards to craft higher rarity cards, we’ll be announcing more details about this mechanic soon.

Within a few days, a new region in Draconia, the Muesli Village will be available, and to make it possible, our developers worked on implementing this new territory in Dracards Metaverse.

The mechanics for staking cards in buildings have already begun to be developed, in which will be possible to allocate cards ofdifferent rarities to get FIRE.



Lucas Alsberg

Software Engineer / NFT enthusiastic and Dracards Co-founder.