DW#5 | I am a Draft

Kevin Bardan
Draft Writer
Published in
3 min readApr 7, 2020
Bardanvin — DW#5 — I am a Draft
DW#5 | I am a Draft

April, 2nd 2020.

Goddamn, I’m exhausted. I have another story to write and I’ve completed about 80% of it, but really all I want right now is to take a short rest. And I end up on this page, writing (?).

I don’t know what’s wrong and I’m still figuring out how I should do this. An initial step, it is. I know there’s no way for me to conquer this thing if all I do is trial-and-error. I have to incorporate something bigger.

I’m really tired. I want to sleep but I can’t. Do you think I need a pet? Something to accompany me do this road trip.

A few days ago I found a beetle lying on its back in front of my room. It was hissing, I don’t know what happened to it (But there was a cat nearby sooo, a suspect it is). I end up took care of the beetle and provided it with shelter and a piece of banana to eat.

Hell, after a few hours the banana stunk so bad but I’m surprised at how my nose can adapt to it. I released the beetle the next morning because I worried that I did something wrong in taking care of it, as I’m not experienced with beetles. I let go of it in the yard and the seconds after it, he’s already missing in the wild.

Alright, I’ll stop right here. I still have time left today, I better finish the other story. Thanks.

April, 8th 2020.

I’m feeling normal. But I believe it’s ‘normal’ good. Been attempting to wake up at 5 in the morning. Of course, I’ve missed a day or two in the first week. It’s really tempting to sleep again after waking up. But after a while, as most people say, you get used to it.

A couple of times, I would wake up at 4 – 4.30 a.m. without an alarm. “Great job!”, I thought. But because my plan is still to wake up at 5, I went back to sleep and in the end, I still use an alarm to help wake me up.

Approximately, last night I went into the sleeping state at 10.30. I woke up at 4.15-ish today. It was 6 hours of subconscious sleep, but I consciously extended it to almost 7 hours by sleeping again and being woken up by the alarm.

I really want to know if it’s okay to ‘extend’ my sleeping time by searching for some of the related articles, and journals if I have to. As I felt like I’m not in a really good condition to focus and think in the day when I did that behavior. And I will probably search for them after finishing this writing session.

I guess that’s a wrap for this one. Currently, I have another story in making and I’m hoping that I can finish the text this Saturday. Fingers crossed. Thanks.

Signing out peacefully,

What is DW?

DW is an abbreviation of Draft Writer.

Unlike many other stories I have crafted, I do not edit and proofread here. This publication mainly talks about how my day went: the problems, the unexpected things, the how-and-why. This is the journal that I share with the world.

