DW#7 | The Difference Between This and That

Kevin Bardan
Draft Writer
Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2020
Bardanvin — DW#7 — The Difference Between This and That
DW#7 | The Difference Between This and That

May, 9th 2020.

I immediately know what to write as soon as I finished How to Stop Regret and Find Wonder Instead. And I really want you to know what’s the difference between those articles and what you read right now.

It actually is the principle behind them. But before continuing, I think it’s worth mentioning that I also write copies for landing pages, product descriptions, taglines, and advertisements, which has the same principles as the article writings.

Okay, first of all, as I have mentioned in every DW I’ve published before (which you can read at the bottom of this writing), DW is a kind of journal. And to write DW, you don’t have to do researches and much time to edit and proofread every sentence. What you need is just an experience you would tell people about. That is all you need.

And not that I’m complaining, but here’s the truth, doing research is no simple thing. You have to find reliable sources, and from my experiences, it’s best if their writings are based on some journal researches. Which then will increase the credibility of the writings.

You may ask, why do I have to add some more credibility to writing? Just because I only want the best for my readers. I cannot just take a reference from some random writings on the internet, right?

Also, every one of those articles consists of more than 1.000 words, which means that it will take some time to edit and proofread every single sentence in those articles. But DW doesn’t consist of that many words because; One, I limit my writing time; Second, I’ve made an agreement from the very first time that this will not take too much edit and proofread.

Simply put, I don’t want to create just some random posts for all of you, but at the same time, I also need to train myself to be faster while writing. Yes, I’m still slow at writing long and research-based articles. And that’s why I create this series called DW. Other than to keep my juice flowing, also to keep you guys updated.

Well, I guess that’s all for now. Thanks for reading.

Signing out peacefully,

What is DW?

DW is an abbreviation of Draft Writer.

Unlike many other stories I have crafted, I do not edit and proofread here. This publication mainly talks about how my day went: the problems, the unexpected things, the how-and-why. This is the journal that I share with the world.

