DW#8 | In Pursuit of Peace and Improvement

Kevin Bardan
Draft Writer
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2020
Bardanvin — DW#8 — In Pursuit of Peace and Improvement

May, 23nd 2020.

I’m thinking of defining the core value that I will hold in my life. Now that I think of it, living a life without it seems useless. Because then, when you set a goal, a nice and rewarding goal, it will have no foundation. You won’t know where you will go with it. And everything that has no foundation, is easier to be torn down.

I’m only saying this because of my own experience. I have set a tremendous amount of goals in the past. And I have accomplished many of them. But if you ask me, “What’s the point of all those goals?” I can only say, “I don’t know.” Yes, to be honest, I have no clue whatsoever.

Actually, I can just say that the goal is to make me feel productive. And don’t get me wrong, being productive is good. But there’s something even better than that, and that is to have the right navigation. Only then, being productive is going to be much more rewarding. And by navigation, what I mean is a core value in life.

Right now, it’s been a few months since I’m focusing to achieve these two words: peace/improvement. I feel like when we achieve peace, then we acknowledge ourselves. Being in peace, you’re going to feel like a feather floating in the air, and there’s a wind that holds you up from the ground.

You can live a good life by just being in peace, but I don’t want that (here’s the remnant of my greed). I also want to put a dent in the universe — Steve Jobs did, why would I not? So then I think, how to do that? Believe it or not, I found the answer just right after I get a piece of my peace (pun — intended, huh?). The word emerges from the wall and it’s ‘improvement’.

But it can’t just be an improvement, right? It has to be something different. It has to has the structural integrity to it. It has to be constant. The point is, it has to make an improvement in my life. In the end, those two words linger in my head almost every time in my current life.

I guess that’s all for now, thanks for reading!

Signing out peacefully,

What is DW?

DW is an abbreviation of Draft Writer.

Unlike many other stories I have crafted, I do not edit and proofread here. This publication mainly talks about how my day went: the problems, the unexpected things, the how-and-why.

This is the journal that I share with the world.

