Our two-person tent nestled among trees at our favorite campsite in Humboldt County.
This is where I’ll be within 24 hours of publishing this post.

Back-to-school season

Sally Kerrigan
Published in
2 min readAug 29, 2019


Hi again. I started writing this on the 49-Van Ness, the bus line that takes me to City College and back. I just wrapped up my last class for this week. In the morning, Evan and I will hop in the car and drive five hours north to Humboldt County, where we’ve camped almost every year of the seven we’ve lived out here in California. There’s giant redwoods and no cell service. It’ll be splendid.

I didn’t share much last week about the classes I’m taking. The class I just left was Statistics for Behavioral Sciences, which meets twice a week. I’m doing okay so far, but we haven’t gotten too far into the book yet. The other class I’m in is Abnormal Psychology, which meets Mondays.

Some of my old good-student habits are coming back to me, but others are maybe gone forever. Note-taking: still got it. Cram study sessions at 2am: no longer useful or possible. It’s been a rewarding and humbling experience that has also introduced me to a different side of San Francisco from the business/tech scene that dominated my days until very recently. I don’t think I’m the oldest student in either of my classes, but I’d definitely guess I’m past the median age. (In another week or so I’ll know for sure if I’m using that term correctly.) Classes at City College are free for SF residents, so people enroll for all kinds of interesting reasons. That said, very few people take statistics unless they have to.

I’ll take a break from thinking about my math homework until next Monday; it’s definitely not coming to the woods with me. I’m bringing two books, though: Les Misérables (just finished the first large section, “Fantine”) and a surprise from an SFPL waitlist that moved faster than I expected it to: How To Do Nothing by Jenny Odell.

More later on those. Draftwerk.com is still coming soon. My favorite month of the year is just days away. I’m excited for it. See you there!

