DragonEx Briefing — 2019/01/03 to 2020/01/10

Published in
1 min readJan 10, 2020

1.Major Events
1.1. On January 3, DT Financial Mangement Phase 10 Concluded, and the total amount of 50,000 DT was fully subscribed.

1.2. From December 30 to January 6, 10% of the DT in DK Super Lotto Prize Pool is 515.667 DT, which were burned on January 7.

1.3. On January 7, DragonEx CIO — Joanne held an AMA in WeChat group, and it was synchronized in official EN telegram group, the subject is Trading for a living starts with building your own trading system.

1.4. On January 10, DT Financial Management Subscription Phase 11 officially started. The total subscription amount is 50,000 DT, and the annual ROI is 30.00%. The event is in progress, please check the official announcement for more details (https://dragonex.io/en-us/subscribe/detail?aid=111).

2.Latest News
2.1. On January 5, DragonEx successfully supported the BTC, BCHABC, LTC wallet upgrade.

3.Product Features
3.1. K-line optimization on the web page: support local cache user settings, increase amplitude data.
3.1. Added SMS / email notification for remote login, deposits and withdrawal.
3.2. The beta version of USDT margined Futures was launched.

DragonEx Team
January 10, 2020

