DragonEx Briefing — 2019/11/15 to 2019/11/22

Published in
2 min readNov 22, 2019

1.Major Events
1.1 On Nov. 15, the total amount of 50,000DT of DT Financial Management Phase 3 was fully subscribed.

1.2 On Nov. 17, DragonEx and ONES reached a coorperation, and DragonEx becomes the first node of ONES.

1.3 On Nov. 19, SOG Financial Management begins subscription, with a 30% annual ROI (interest for each successful subscription of 100 SOG is approximately 2.4657 SOG)

1.4 From November 11 to November 18, 10% of the DT in DK Super Lotto Prize Pool is 1169.788 DT, which were burned on November 19.

1.5 On Nov. 22, DT Financial Management Subscription Phase 4 is officially launched. The total subscription amount is 50,000 DT, and the annual ROI is 30.00%. The event is in progress, please check the official announcement for more details.

2.Latest News
2.1 On November 18, Dragonex completed BCHABC hard fork upgrade, and the deposit and withdrawal services resume.

2.2 On November 19, DragonEx moved SOG/USDT trading pair from New Market to USDT market

2.3 On November 20, DragonEx supports AION hard fork upgrade and has suspended its deposit & withdrawal services

2.4 On November 22, Dmall is having Black Friday shopping activity. On the day, if you spend 20DT or 20DK, you can get a return of DT or DK which is worth 10% of the value of total spending. If the shopping amount reaches 50DT or 50DK, you can also participate in the circle of friends in DragonExBaby on November 25th to draw a lucky prize of anniversary coin. The event is in progress, please check the official announcement for details.

3.Product Features
3.1 IOS and Android V4.3 has been upgraded
3.2 Revain which provides feedback on projects has been added to the English website.

DragonEx Team
November 22, 2019

