“LOVE Interest” Valentine’s Special Financial Plan

Published in
2 min readJan 21, 2019

When 2019 Valentine’s Day is around the corner, DragonEx Special Financial Plan, LOVE Interest, is readily served. The plan will last 21 days with 10% of the Annualized Rate of Return. And the return will be calculated at 5:20 p.m., January. 14, 2019, UTC+8. Participants should pay off the principal and interest at 5:20 p.m., Feb. 14, 2019, UTC+8 and those who retweet the relevant information via Twitter could raise the rate to 11%.



Period for Transfer: 14:00, Jan. 22–14:00, Jan. 23, 2019


Participants who retweet the relevant information about the activity via Twitter, mention DragonEx official account @Dragonex_io, share the screenshot with your ID in DragonEx telegram group, mention the customer service staff @dragonex baby, will get 1% of the Annualized Rate of Return as a bonus. Please be subject to the reply from dragonex baby.


1. During the period for transfer, please transfer to the Tx_id which will be announced at 14:00, Jan. 22, 2019, UTC+8.

2. The list of participants and the corresponding Annualized Rate of Return will be announced at 5:20 p.m., January. 14, 2019, UTC+8.

3. The transfer amount cannot be less than the minimum of investment. It’s advised to transfer according to the integral multiples.

4. Please be subject to the time of receiving the amount. The transfer that is less than the minimum of investment or not complete as the time stipulated will be invalid and be refunded within 7 working days except the transaction fees.

5. DragonEx will refund the transaction fees at 5:20 p.m., Feb. 14, 2019, UTC+8 when the principal and interest are paid off. Every token has one chance for the refund.

6. VIP users and DragonEx volunteers enjoy the priority of the transfer of which volume is not over the 30% of the total volume. For more details, please consult dragonex baby or customer services manager.

7. Only users who register on DragonEx have the opportunity of participating in the activity.

8. DragonEx reserves the right to interpret the details of the activity.

