Special Column: Additional Bonus — Bit-Dragon and Agent Mechanism

Published in
5 min readJan 3, 2019

Hi there.

Welcome to our special column section. I’m so happy to have you here. This is the second article of this Special Column. If you missed the previous article about the basic introduction to the platform, Special Column: An Introduction to Dragon Token (DT), Trading-mining and DT Dividends, please kindly check out the link below:

Today’s topic: Additional Bonus of DragonEx Platform

In this article, we will introduce 2 featured bonus systems of DragonEx, which are Bit-dragon and Agent Mechanism. Hope you enjoy it~

I. Bit-dragon

1. What is Bit-dragon?

Bit-dragon is a sort of lottery game launched by DragonEx, as an added bonus to motivate users of the platform.

You can “twist” Dragon Eggs to play this game, and you will get Bit-dragon in return for certain.

Different Bit-dragons stand for different prizes, which range from 0.01DT to 100DT.

2. Activity Period

Bit-dragon is a long-term activity. You can play Bit-dragon at any time, only if you have Dragon Eggs (chances).

3. Source of the Price Pool

In the activity period, DragonEx will allocate 10% of DT released in the previous day for marketing purpose into the prize pool (blocked for one year) at 15:00, Singapore time (UTC+8) every day.

4. What is Dragon Egg and how to get that?

As we mentioned above, Dragon Egg can be taken as the chance to play Bit-dragon. You can get Dragon Eggs in the following ways:

A. For those newly registered users, once they finish an initial deposit of any sort of tokens or coins, they will get a Dragon Egg.

B. On every Tuesday, users who contribute more than 10USDT transaction fees will get a Dragon Egg.

C. For those users who invite people to register on the platform and pass Intermediate Authentication will get a Dragon Egg as special rewards.

D. Despite those regular ways, other activities held by DragonEx may take Dragon Eggs as rewards.

II. Agent Mechanism

1. What is Agent Mechanism?

Agent Mechanism is the referral mechanism of DragonEx, which was aiming to motivate users to invite other people trading on the platform; in the meanwhile, those users will get a certain amount of DT as rewards.

Those users who invite people to trade on DragonEx are called Agent. Everyone can become an agent; everyone can get the additional commissions in return.

2. Where to get my exclusive referral link?

You can get your referral link in this page:

If you are new on DragonEx, please follow the instructions below to find out the Invite page.

Referral link is only for registered users. First of all, please log in on DragonEx.

Click the profile button to enter the Asset Overview page.

The Invite button is at the sidebar. Your referral link can be founded here.

3. How many DT will I get if I become the agent?

Please kindly look back to our previous article Special Column: An Introduction to Dragon Token (DT), Trading-mining and DT Dividends.

It was mentioned,

1. 30% of it will be distributed to Miners.

20% of it will be distributed to Agents as referral commissions.

10% of it will be distributed DragonEx, which will be blocked for one year for market expansion purposes.

40% of it will be distributed to DragonEx, which will be permanently blocked for future allocation purposes related to R&D, the introduction of talents, project operation, DT buyback & burn purposes.

This is the distribution rules of DT mined. The commissions of agents are stick to these rules.

If user B registers on DragonEx through user A’s invitation link. User A will be considered to be the Agent of user B.

DT Distributed to User A = Transaction Fees Paid by User B of the day / Platform Revenue of the day * DT Released of the day *20%

In the current release period, 25,600 DT will be released every day, of which 20% is allocated as referral bonus, namely 5,120DT per day.

Let’s assume that:

Jack invites Tom, Mary and John to register on DragonEx as users.

The transaction fees paid by Tom, Mary and John for their total trading volume reach to 10,000USDT.

And the number of commissions produced by the total trading volume on DragonEx is 1,000,000USDT on that day.

In this case,

Tom, Mary and John are miners, who will get 30% of DT they mined as rewards.

Jack is the agent, who will get 20% of DT mined by users he invites as commissions. The commissions Jack will receive is:


